Quantitative Structure-retention Relationship Study of Polychlorinated Dibenzothiophenes by Molecula

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Polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes(PCDTs) are classified as persistent organic pollutants in the environment,so the analysis of PCDTs by their gas chromatographic behaviors is of great significance.Quantitative structure-retention relationship(QSRR) analysis is a useful technique capable of relating chromatographic retention time to the molecular structure.In this paper,a QSRR study of 37 PCDTs was carried out by using molecular electronegativity distance vector(MEDV) descriptors and multiple linear regression(MLR) and partial least-squares regression(PLS) methods.The correlation coefficient R of established MLR,PLS models,leave-one-out(LOO) cross-validation(CV),Q2ext were 0.9951,0.9942,0.9839(MLR) and 0.9925,0.9915,0.9833(PLS),respectively.Results showed that the model exhibited excellent estimate capability for internal sample set and good predictive capability for external sample set.By using MEDV descriptors,the QSRR model can provide a simple and rapid way to predict the gas-chromatographic retention indices of polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes in conditions of lacking standard samples or poor experimental conditions. Polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes (PCDTs) are classified as persistent organic pollutants in the environment, so the analysis of PCDTs by their gas chromatographic behaviors is of great significance. Quantitative structure-retention relationship (QSRR) analysis is a useful technique capable of relating chromatographic retention time to the molecular structure. in this paper, a QSRR study of 37 PCDTs was carried out by using molecular electronegativity distance vector (MEDV) descriptors and multiple linear regression (MLR) and partial least-squares regression (PLS) methods. established MLR, PLS models, leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation (CV), Q2ext were 0.9951,0.9942,0.9839 (MLR) and 0.9925,0.9915,0.9833 (PLS), respectively. Results showed that the model exhibited excellent estimate capability for internal sample set and good predictive capability for external sample set.By using MEDV descriptors, the QSRR model can provide a simple and rapid way to predict the gas-chroma tographic retention indices of polychlorinated dibenzothiophenes in conditions of lacking standard samples or poor experimental conditions.
海芒果,学名Cerbera manghas L.属夹竹桃科植物,本地俗称“牛金茄”。果实,枝、叶等均有毒,以核仁毒性最大,核仁含有氢氰酸及海芒果甙(Cerberin)。海芒果多生长于近海近河流
胎盘残留是产科较常见的并发症之一。本文从病理组织学检查,对我院产后清宫病例作初步分析,以探讨胎盘残留的诊断和正确处理。1 资料与方法.1981年8月~1988年1月,凡在我院住