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2006年8月1日开始,由国务院新闻办公室组织的“中央对外新闻单位乘青藏列车采访团”在青海、西藏两省区采访,历时七天,沿途经过青海的西宁、格尔木,西藏的拉萨、当雄等地,就青藏铁路通车后的运营状况,对西藏、青海经济和社会发展的积极影响、农牧民生活改变、环境保护、旅游业的发展、传统文化保护等问题进行了广泛采访。来自全国32家对外新闻媒体的51名记者参加了此次大型报道活动。大规模地组织各路外宣媒体采访西藏,这是第一次。谈及组织这次采访的背景和起因,领队国务院新闻办公室七局副局长王丕君说:“三年以来,国际、国内都非常关注青藏铁路的修建,特别是去年以来,国外的报道很多,大部分报道是负面的,主要是引用国外从事“藏独”分裂活动人士的话来说三道四。因此在通车以后一个月,我们想组织记者乘青藏列车去亲眼看看通车一个月以来的实际情况,作个判断,让西藏、青海当地的各方面人士说说他们眼中的‘环保路’、‘幸福路’、‘致富路’,可能更有说服力。”记者们此行肩负着向世界介绍青藏铁路和通车后藏区人民生活的真实情况的使命,大部分人又都是第一次踏上雪域高原。让记者们兴奋不已的不仅是列车沿途跨越莽莽昆仑,穿过长江源头沱沱河,翻越唐古拉山,绕过藏北草原,直抵拉萨,还因为对他们来说列车就是捕捉新闻的一个绝好渠道。乘车途中,他们接触到从车长到调度中心、乘务员等铁路沿线的基层人员;到了青海、西藏的藏区后,他们可以直接到普通藏民和参与青藏铁路建设的建设者家中,和他们进行交谈。一路走下来,他们不但获得了很多新闻故事,而且也产生了很多感受和思考。 From August 1, 2006, the “Central Foreign Press Unit Interview with Qinghai-Tibet Railway Press” organized by the State Council Information Office interviewed Qinghai and Tibet provinces and lasted seven days and passed Xining, Golmud and Lhasa in Tibet along the route Xiong and other places conducted extensive interviews with such issues as the operational conditions after the opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the positive impact on the economic and social development in Tibet and Qinghai, the changes in living conditions of farmers and herdsmen, environmental protection, the development of tourism and the protection of traditional culture. 51 reporters from 32 foreign media outlets nationwide participated in this large-scale media coverage. It is the first time to organize mass media to interview Tibet on a large scale. Speaking about the background and causes of the organization’s interview, Wang Pijun, the deputy director of the State Council Information Office under the leadership of the seven agencies, said: “Since three years, both the international and domestic governments have paid great attention to the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Especially since last year, many foreign reports have been made, The report is negative, mainly referring to the words and deeds of overseas separatists who engage in ”separatist activities abroad.“ Therefore, a month after the opening of the train, we would like to organize journalists to take a Qingtian train to see the actual situation a month since the opening of the train. Judging from all walks of life, Tibetans and Qinghai people may be more persuasive about what they see as ’Eco Road,’ ”Happy Road,“ and ”Road to Prosperity." The reporters shoulder the responsibility of introducing the Qinghai-Tibet Railway to the world And the people’s livelihood after the opening of Tibetan areas, most people are the first to set foot on the snow-covered plateau. The exciting news for journalists is not only that the train traverses the vast Kunlun Mountains, crosses the source of the Tuotuohe River, crosses the Tanggula Mountains, and traverses the northern grasslands to Lhasa, but also trains are a great way for them to catch news . On their way to the car, they came into contact with the grass-roots personnel along the railway from the bus captain to the dispatch center and flight attendants. After reaching Qinghai and Tibetan areas in Tibet, they can go directly to ordinary Tibetans and builders who participated in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Talk. Along the way, they not only got a lot of news stories, but also produced a lot of feelings and thinking.
The directivity of acoustic vector sensor (AVS) will be distorted by the sound diffraction of the AVS carrier. In this paper,the scattering of a plane acoustic
研究背景和目的益生菌是人类肠道的原籍菌,在维持宿主胃肠正常生理功能中发挥重要作用。Zairian M等研究证实益生菌能够提高应激大鼠肠道屏障功能、阻断细菌移位。在种类繁多的益生菌中,双歧杆菌作为人类肠道最早出现的益生菌极具研究价值。它不仅能够调节肠道菌群失调,而且能够显著改善肠易激综合症(IBS)和炎症性肠病(IBD)患者的相关症状。益生菌所独有的生物学特点和肠道黏膜免疫反应的特异性,使肠道益生菌