Organic reactions in chiral micelles 7.The structural effects on the asymmetric oxidation of prochir

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XUANWU30128
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A variety of phenyl alkyl sulfides were oxidized enantioselectively with NaIO_4 in chiralmicellar systems formed from eight chiral surfactants,to give optical active sulfoxides.The enantiomerexcesses ranged from 1.6 to 15.0%.To understand the mechanistic detail of this asymmetric oxi-dation in chiral micelle,the effects of structure both in substrates and surfactants on the optical yieldof the oxidation were studied and discussed.Generally,increasing the alkyl chain length both in sur-factants and in substrates enhances the optical yield,also the surfactant with hydroxy group at itsappropriate position gives better enantioselectivity,suggesting the enzymic characteristics of the chiralmicelle. A variety of phenyl alkyl sulfides were oxidized enantioselectively with NaIO_4 in chiralmicellar systems formed from eight chiral surfactants, to give optical active sulfoxides. The enantiomerexcesses ranged from 1.6 to 15.0%. To understand the mechanistic detail of this asymmetric oxi- dation in chiral micelle, the effects of structure both in substrates and surfactants on the optical yield of the oxidation were studied and discussed. Normally increasing the alkyl chain length both in sur-factants and in substrates enhances the optical yield, also the surfactant with hydroxy group at its proper position gives better enantioselectivity, suggesting the enzymic characteristics of the chiralmicelle.
一代人的怀念  “你还有印象没,原来这块是黎明体育场和灯光球场。”张广发经过离家不远的这片住宅小区,总会不由自主地和儿子念叨这样一句话,他也总会想起当年在工厂参加各项体育活动的情景……  1947年出生的张广发,16岁进厂上班,从小热爱体育的他,本以为上班后就与体育无缘,没想到后来工厂的职工体育开展得更加丰富多彩。“那时物质生活很匮乏,但我们精神世界挺充实。”张广发回忆,那时工厂每年都举行很多文体
The aldol reaction of the silyl enol ether of cyclopent-2-enone with aldehydes is mediatedby various Lewis acids.Threo isomers are the major diastereoisomers f