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一般现在时是英语第一册的主要语法时态 ,也是日常用得最多的语法时态 ,是学好英语的基础。但部分同学仍难以掌握该时态。现就如何掌握一般现在时 ,供同学们参考。一、熟练理解概念一般现在时表示现在的状态 ,经常或习惯性发生的动作 ,主语具备的性格和能力 ,表示真理和事实。1 The general present time is the main grammatical tenth of the first volume of English, and it is also the grammatical tense used most frequently in daily life. It is the basis for learning English well. However, some students still have difficulty grasping this tense. Now you can learn how to master the current present for your reference. First, proficiency in the concept of understanding the current state of the current, often or habitual actions, the subject has the character and ability to represent the truth and the facts. 1
《水经注》一书的作者是郦道元 ,字善 ,北魏范阳涿鹿 (今河北省涿县 )人。他是我国古代历史上杰出的地理学家。郦道元年轻时 ,刻苦攻读 ,好学不倦 ,博览群书 ,善于著述。他曾
用伏安法测电阻,是一个很重要的电学实验.若手边只有一只电压表或一只电流表是否也能测电阻呢?请同学们看看下面的例子: Measuring resistance with voltammetry is an impo
随着社会变革的发展 ,数学在利益决策中的应用趋于广泛。中考数学也本着重在运用数学知识去解决实际问题为目的 ,出现了决策型试题 ,意在使学生通过把实际问题抽象成数学问题
在贸易谈判中要赋予化工产业相应的位置,并提出相应的要价,以维护自贸区谈判持续有效进行。 In the trade negotiations to give the chemical industry a corresponding po
南京雨花台的雨花石名闻天下,落迹四方。它的形状千奇百怪,被雨滴打湿后更是色彩斑斓、鲜艳夺目,因此得名“雨花石”。 Yuhuatai, Nanjing’s famous stone, has fallen int
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一、酸溶液和酸性溶液酸溶液是酸溶解在水中得到的水溶液 ,该溶液一般均呈酸性 ,溶液中电离出的阳离子只有H+,而酸性溶液是溶质溶解在水中 (或其它溶剂中 )所得的溶液 ,溶液
Introduction“Tibetan literature”has its essential meanings and ethnic cultural connotations whether in ancient or modern times.Ethnic culture is the confluenc