紧扣实际 增强针对性

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企业党建要紧扣生产经营,增强工作的针对性 企业党组织必须紧紧围绕改革发展和生产经营工作的实际开展工作,积极服务于生产经营的中心工作,才能更好地促进企业的发展,才能使自身充满生机与活力,体现与时俱进精神。山东省东营电业局建局12年来,始终坚持党建工作与生产经营工作的全方位接触,确保了党建工作人人耳、得民心,增强了党建工作的针对性。比如,在建局初期,工作、生活条件十分艰苦的情况下,我们把党建 企业党建要紧扣生产经营.增强工作的针对性 企业党组织必须紧紧围绕改革发展和生产经营工作的实际开展工作,积极服务于生产经营的中心工作,才能更好地促进企业的发展,才能使自身充满生机与活力,体现与时俱进精神。山东省东营电业局建局12年来,始终坚持党建工作与生产经营工作的全方位接触,确保了党建工作人人耳、得民心,增强了党建工作的针对性。比如,在建局初期,工作、生活条件十分艰苦的情况下,我们把党建工作的重点放在培养党员扎根油城、立足本职、爱岗敬业的精神上,开展了“党员奉献日”、党员担任局长值日助理等活动,使艰苦奋斗、扎实工作、无私奉献、争先创优的企业精神在广大党员身上得到了体现,锻炼出了一支甘于奉献、作风顽强、开拓创新的党员队伍。在创建一流供电企业的过程中,局? Party should be closely linked to production and management, and enhance the work of Party organizations must focus on the reform and development and production and management work to carry out the actual work, and actively serve the production and operation of the center, in order to better promote the development of enterprises, ability Make itself full of vigor and vitality, reflect the spirit of advancing with the times. Over the past 12 years since the establishment of Shandong Dongying Electric Power Bureau Bureau, it has always adhered to the all-round contact between the party building work and the production and management work, ensured that all party building work is earnest and popular, and that the party building work is targeted. For example, in the early days of the establishment of the URA, if the working and living conditions were extremely difficult, we should attach great importance to the party building of the party-building enterprises, and the targeted party organizations that enhanced their work must closely focus on the actual work of reform and development and production and operation , And actively serve the central work of production and management, can we better promote the development of enterprises so that we can make ourselves full of vigor and vitality and embody the spirit of keeping pace with the times. Over the past 12 years since the establishment of Shandong Dongying Electric Power Bureau Bureau, it has always adhered to the all-round contact between the party building work and the production and management work, ensured that all party building work is earnest and popular, and that the party building work is targeted. For example, in the early days of the establishment of the URA and in the extremely difficult working and living conditions, we focused our party building work on cultivating the party members to take root in the oil city, starting from the principle of serving oneself and loving one’s job and dedicating themselves to dedication, As Secretary-General on the Japanese assistant and other activities, so that the hard work, solid work, selfless dedication, pioneering excellence in the spirit of the majority of party members who have been reflected, exercise out of a dedication, tenacious style, pioneering and innovative party members. In the process of creating first-class power supply enterprises, Bureau?
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