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坚持团结稳定鼓劲、正面宣传为主,是党的新闻工作的方针原则和基本经验,这一要求已明确写入十六届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》,毫无疑问,各级各类媒体应当扎扎实实地贯彻落实。实事求是地说,我们的主流媒体一向是重视正面报道的。在充分肯定这方面工作取得巨大成绩的同时,当然也要看到需要改进的地方。有些媒体正面报道模式化、单一化、表面化,不同程度地影响到宣传效果。近年来,一些地方党报发行量连续下滑,除了其它方面的原因之外,与宣传报道缺乏创新,难以吸引读者也不无关系。如何把正面报道做成热点和亮点?前不久,中宣部新闻局和中国记协国内部在云南昆明召开座谈会,与会人员发表了不少诤言高见,其中主要的有:要在突出新闻性上下工夫,用符合新闻规律的手段做宣传;要在扩大信息量上下工夫,满足受众多方面的信息需求;要在提供见解和观点上下工夫,让读者知其然更知其所以然;要在策划和组合报道上下工夫,把重大政策、重大事件报深报透;要在介入社会生活上下工夫,保持和提高权威性和公信力;要在加强服务性上下工夫,让媒体成为群众生活的良师益友;要在讲究宣传艺术上下功夫,使新闻宣传入耳入脑入心……这些意见和建议,具有很强的针对性,值得引起媒体的高度重视。为进一步推 Adhering to the principle of uniting, stabilizing and encouraging publicity-oriented advocacy is the guiding principle and basic experience of the party’s news work. This requirement has been explicitly written in the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Ability to Govern” adopted by the Fourth Plenum of the 16th CPC Central Committee, There is no doubt that all kinds of media at all levels should be implemented in a down-to-earth manner. To be realistic, our mainstream media has always attached great importance to positive reports. While fully affirming the tremendous achievements made in this regard, we must certainly see where improvements are needed. Some media positive coverage of the model, a single, superficial, to varying degrees, the impact of publicity. In recent years, there has been a continuous decline in the circulation of party newspapers in some places. Apart from other reasons, there has been a lack of innovation with publicity reports, making it hard to attract readers. How to Make Positive Reports as Hotspot and Highlights Not long ago, the Information Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department and the China Association of Writers-Writers Association held a forum in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Many of the keynote speeches were made by the participants. The main ones are as follows: Make efforts to propagandize in conformity with the laws of the press; make efforts to expand the amount of information and meet the information needs of many people; make efforts to provide insights and opinions so that readers know better why; We should work hard to intervene in social life and maintain and improve the authority and credibility of the community. We must make efforts to improve service and make the media a mentor and teacher of the people’s life. Paying attention to publicity art work hard, so that news propaganda into their brains ...... These comments and suggestions, with strong pertinence, it is worthy of the media attention. For further push
摘 要:高中地理学科是高中阶段教学的重要组成部分,对于学生的学习有着很重要的影响。在高中地理教学之中应用多媒体技术,可以提高课堂教学效率,使得学生的学习兴趣更加浓厚。本文论述了多媒体技术在高中地理教学中应用的意义,指出在高中地理教学中运用多媒体技术应注意的事项,以供大家参考。  关键词:多媒体技术;高中地理教学;现实意义  随着新课程改革在全国范围内如火如荼地开展,传统的教学模式和方法已经很难适应