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真正的大咖不是传说,用心工作用心生活的他们可以底气十足地轻声细语道:我增益呀。曾毅曾老头是我大学时代的一个专业课老师,以接近60岁的高龄教了我半年信号处理。老爷子年轻的时候想必是那种梳着“小队会计头”的文艺青年,虽然他外表俨然一副标准工科男的扮相。第一眼见他你会想起穿着挎篮背心的老头打着蒲扇吃西瓜,第二眼又瞬间变成妙语连珠的老顽童系着领结弹吉他。严谨治学、浪漫生活,这两 The real big coffee is not a legend, hard-working heart-to-heart life, they can be energetic and softly whisper: I gain Yeah. Zeng Yi, an old man who was a professional teacher in my college days, taught me six months of signal processing at the age of 60. When he was young, he must have been the literary youth with “Team Accounting Head” combed, though his appearance was like a standard male engineer. At first glance you will remember that the old man in a draped vest drags a water-melon on his palm and the second drunkard catches a bow tie at a second glance. Rigorous scholarship, romantic life, these two
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课程·新资源所谓能力,就是相应的资源之间的关系结构。——佚名作为初中政治教师,如何培养学生的创新能力呢?我认为,应从以下几个方面入手。 Curriculum and new resources
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Customers’ ComplainWhen a customer finds that what she or he bought is faulty or iu some otherway does not line up to what the producer promises,the first ste
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词语运用易混语辨析spend,cost, take, pay spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示花费,但用法却不尽相同。spend的主语必须暑人,常用于以下结构:(1)spend time/money on sth.(2)sp
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歌词《涛声依旧》取意唐朝诗人张继的《枫桥夜泊》。秋天的夜晚,张继泊舟苏州城外的枫桥。江南水乡秋夜幽美的景色,使怀着旅愁 The lyrics “The Wave Is Still” reads Zha