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1、马林肯特为桔草和乔纳德的杂交种。该品种于1975年正式通过鉴定定名。果型为园锥形,底色黄绿色,着色后为红色并稍带暗桔红色条纹,果肉乳白色,质地较粗,风味中等,稍有芳香味,较耐贮藏,在3.5—4℃的条件下可贮藏到翌年3月底,在2%O_2和1%CO_2的气调条件下可贮藏到翌年6月初甚至到入秋时节。在英国苹果、 1, Marlin Kent for the orange grass and Jonathan hybrids. The variety was officially identified in 1975 by the name. The fruit type is conical in shape with a yellow-green background, red and slightly orange-red stripes after coloring, milky white flesh, coarse texture, medium flavor, slightly aromatic flavor, and more resistant to storage. The condition of 3.5-4 ° C. It can be stored until the end of March of the following year, and can be stored until the beginning of autumn in early June next year in the atmosphere of 2% O 2 and 1% CO 2. Apple in Britain,
  Chitin biodegradation is linked to fungi cell differentiation, nematode egg hatching, arthropods morphogenesis, and human defense against malaria and other
母亲一边细哼浅唱,一边轻轻摇动摇篮以助宝宝入眠,这也并非我国 独有的育婴传统,在西方的童话画册上,也能见到母亲一边编结、阅读,一边摇动吊篮的图景。这“摇摇摇,摇到外婆桥”的
As well known, tyrosinase is a kind of oxidase containing copper, which is the key enzyme in the melanin biosynthesis in mammals and browning that occurs upon b
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在一对通信线路上进行多路通信的方法基本上分作两类;一类是把各路话音信号用不同频率调制,使其置于不同的频段,然后合并起来传送。这一类称作频分制多路通 In a pair of c