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我院于1995年1月~1998年1月共收治流行性腮腺炎87例,其中并发眩晕综合征8例,现报道如下:1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 男5例,女3例,年龄6~13岁.眩晕发生于腮腺肿大期1例,恢复期7例,均无眩晕既往史.腮腺及颌下腺肿大1例,颌下腺肿大2例,8例均呈持续性眩晕伴呕吐,阵发性加重,伴耳鸣4例,听力减退3例(单侧2例,双侧1例),眼球震颤2例,发热1例,头痛2例,多汗4例.8例患儿脑膜刺激征及病理征均为阴性.外耳道及鼓膜检查无异常.平衡试验均为阳性,听力检查感觉性耳聋3例,前庭功能检查,反应正常6例,减弱2例.脑脊液检查,压力均正常,常规和生化均无异常改变.剧鼻窦瓦氏位片、胸透及心电图检查无异常.1.2 治疗及结果 住院期间除给予能量合剂静点、B族维生素口服外,均静点5%碳酸氢钠和地塞米松,静推 654-2.住院 4~14天均痊愈出院. Our hospital from January 1995 to January 1998 were treated 87 cases of mumps, of which 8 cases were complicated by vertigo syndrome, are reported as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General information 5 males and 3 females, aged 6 ~ 13 years old.Dizziness occurred in 1 case of parotid gland swelling and 7 cases of convalescence without previous history of vertigo.The parotid gland and submandibular gland enlargement in 1 case and submandibular gland enlargement in 2 cases showed persistent vertigo and vomiting in 8 cases 4 cases of tinnitus, 3 cases of hearing loss (2 cases of unilateral and 1 case of bilateral), 2 cases of nystagmus, 1 case of fever, 2 cases of headache and 4 cases of hyperhidrosis. Pathological signs were negative.External auditory canal and tympanic membrane examination were normal.Balance test were positive, auditory hearing sensory deafness in 3 cases, vestibular function test, 6 cases of normal response, weakened in 2. Cerebrospinal fluid examination, the pressure was normal, routine and biochemical No abnormal changes in the drama of the Valsalva bit film, chest X-ray and electrocardiogram examination without exception .1.2 treatment and results in addition to giving the hospital during the energy mixture of static point, B vitamins oral, the static point of 5% sodium bicarbonate and ground plug Meson, static push 654-2. Hospitalized 4 to 14 days were discharged.
中国石化采购管理工作取得了历史性突破,这是集团上下内修外炼的结果。历经17年探索和实践,对内深刻分析学习采购的性质特点和基本规律,不断改革创新优化完善,对外积极借 Si
我所1979年在盐碱地试种夏播油用向日葵15亩获得成功,总产葵花籽4659斤,平均亩产310.6斤,其中2亩高产田,平均亩产412斤.主要栽培措施:前茬小麦收获后,用圆 In 1979, we suc