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全省春季播种工作即将全面开展,晋南之棉田、晋东南南部之高梁、谷子已开始播种,如何保证各种春播作物适时下种,这对完成全省农业增产计划具有决定作用。目前全省大部地区已呈旱象,根据解虞、闻喜、榆次等地验墒结果,表土已干至二寸左右,下种已有困难。这种春旱的威胁,从我省来讲几为惯例,因此每年春季我们都把防旱工作列为保证完成春耕中的一项重要措施。但当前存在的问题是对已经形成或正在形成的春旱威胁,尚有不少的干部和群众,存在着盲目乐观情绪,有些县亦几乎不了解全区墒土变化情况,因而在春耕中并未重视防旱抗 The province’s spring sowing work is about to be carried out in an all-round way. The sorghum and millet of Jinnan cotton field and southeastern Shanxi have started sowing. How to ensure that all kinds of spring sowing crops will be planted in time is of decisive importance in completing the province’s agricultural production increase plan. At present, most of the province has been drought-prone, according to Xie Yu, Wen Xi, Yuci and other places to experience moisture, the topsoil has dried to about two inches, the next species has been difficult. This spring drought threat is a practice in our province. Therefore, every spring we list drought relief as an important measure to ensure the completion of spring plowing. However, the current existing problems are the threat to spring drought that has already been formed or is being formed. There are still many cadres and the masses there are blind optimistic sentiments. Some counties also have little understanding of the changes of soil moisture in the entire region. Therefore, Did not pay attention to drought-resistant
【摘要】近几年,随着计算机技术的普及,在课堂中充分利用网络新技术已成为不可阻挡的新趋势,笔者结合多年的教学经验谈谈在网络新技术的大背景下高职英语视听说学习模式的创新。  【关键词】网络新技术 高职英语 视听说课程  【中图分类号】G431 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)39-0065-02  视听说课程是高职学校中的一门公共课程,学习英语有利于学生综合素质的提高和文化
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