
来源 :钢铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaauto
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最近,冶金部在石钢召开了配煤技术革命会议,重点总结了包钢、石钢炼焦配煤技术革命经验。纪要如下:一、关于炼焦配煤技术革命的估价自从贯彻调整方针以来,我国炼焦工作者改革了过去以主焦煤为主的配煤方法。全国重点企业主焦煤配比,1961年为32.5%,1964年为25%,平均降低7.5%;焦炭灰份1961年为16.85%,1964年为13.68%,平均降低3.17%。按年产一千万吨钢计算,可以节约二百万吨主焦煤,同时使资源利用更加合理,使炼焦生产实现多、快、好、省,并且解决了今后钢铁工业大发展中的一个重要问题。 Recently, the Metallurgical Department held a coal blending technology revolution meeting in ShiGang, especially focusing on the experience of technology revolution in the coke blending with Baosteel and ShiCang. The minutes are as follows: I. Valuation of the Technological Revolution of Coking and Coal Bleeding Since the implementation of the adjustment guidelines, the coking workers in our country have reformed the coal blending methods mainly based on the main coking coal. Coking coal ratio of key state-owned enterprises in the country was 32.5% in 1961 and 25% in 1964, an average reduction of 7.5%. The coke ash content was 16.85% in 1961 and 13.68% in 1964, with an average reduction of 3.17%. Calculated according to an annual output of 10 million tons of steel, it can save 2 million tons of main coking coal and at the same time makes resource utilization more reasonable, so that the coking production can be realized more quickly, efficiently and economically and an important issue in the future development of the steel industry is solved problem.
一、前言随着钢锭模上保温帽内的热传导,耐火材料和保温剂的研究和改进,近十几年来国内外郁在上小下大敞口模内衬绝热板浇镇静钢。它比原有采用上大下小带保温 I. INTRODUC
(一)Kaldo转炉性的适应性: 1.吹炼原料的选择:任何成分的生铁都可使用。冷料可用废钢、生铁块、海绵铁以及铁矿石等。铁矿石山可使用细粒精矿。废钢的装入量可以进一步提高
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无论是在城市还是在农村,居家过日子必定离不开调味品。说起调味品,人们很自然地就会想到味精和鸡精。那么,鸡精和味精到底谁更“精”呢?一 味精,又名味素,化学名称为谷氨酸