On the Translation of “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases”in Chinese Political and Economic Texts from

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  【Abstract】This thesis is aimed at studying,from the point of “Skopos theory”,the translation of “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases” in Chinese political and economic texts.
  【Keywords】 political and economic texts; Chinese “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases”; Skopos theory; translation
  1.Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases
  Obviously,in the language of Chinese,especially in some political and economic texts,there are quite a lot of clauses which are just connected by verb phrases.These verb phrases can be at least two,usually more than three.And such typical structure is used for creating semantic coherence and meanwhile,gives us an impression that words are refining,rigorous,objective and tight.So this kind of sentences can be called as “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases” with its form summarized as a formula— “…Verb Phrase (or VP in abbreviation) 1 VP2 VP3…”.
  It is well known that verb phrases are the sole of the texts.Almost every sentence has one or more verb phrases,and so as the sentences in Chinese political and economic texts.When reading the government work reports or Journal of Political Economy,you can always find that a large number of sentences consist of verb phrases.And it is also quite common that even one paragraph is full of verb phrases.
  So based on these,we can say “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases” in Chinese political and economic texts place a quite high position.Without them,the texts not only lose the clear meaning,but also lack rhythm and beauty of phonology.
  2.Skopos Theory
  “Skopos theory” focuses on the purpose of the translation,which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result.
  3.Translation of “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases” in Chinese Political and Economic Texts
  3.1 Principle of Translation
  Chinese sentence has few logical words and the logic meaning conceals in the clauses.But without logical words,English sentences are not complete and lack of strictness.So when we deal with C-E translation,translation principle is to transform the logical meaning from covertness to overtness.
  3.2 General Translation Methods
  The translation methods and strategies can be varied from one to another.From the point of language characteristic itself,we can translate them according to their structure features,their meaning features or style features.From the point of context,we can translate them to formal or casual language.And from the point of culture background,we should first understand the taboo of the culture and politics of target language,and then choose the main information we want to convey to translate.   And meanwhile we can get some general translation methods and check them in the translation process.And now we can basically use two methods to translate such clauses,namely analyzing their sentence structures or logical meaning.
  3.2.1 Analyze the sentence structures
  Example 1:“自力更生、艰苦奋斗、励精图治,一心一意把我们的经济建设和综合国力搞上去”。
  This one is made up of three short phrases and one short clause.So when doing translation,we can put the three short phrases into a clause,and then add a conjunctive word to make the short clause joining them.“We should work in self-reliance and hard struggle,and make great efforts to make a great country and work whole-heartedly to promote China’s economic construction and comprehensive national strength.”
  3.2.2 Analyze the logical meaning
  Example 2:“广大文艺工作者要深入群众,深入生活,汲取营养,丰富自己”。
  We can see the meaning of“深入生活”is deeper than that of“深入群众”.And the first two VPs are the means to reach the state of the last two VPs.So we can get the translation as “Writers and artists should get nutrition and enrich themselves by immersing themselves among the masses and plunging into the thick of life.”
  In short,through analyzing the sentence structures and logical meaning of the original Chinese texts,we can get a better understanding of translations based on “Skopos theory”.But we should notice that in order to form a complete system of translating “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases”,we still have a long way to find out the limitations of such translation skills and unfreeze them,so that we can make a contribution to form a complete system of translating “Clauses Composed of Verb Phrases”.
  [2]Nida,E.A.Language and Cultural:Contexts in Translating[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001:4.
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