Numerical simulation of the preparation of semi-solid metal slurry with damper cooling tube method

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyuiyigjghj
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In semi-solid forming process, preparing the slurry with rosette or globular microstructure is very important. A new ap- proach named the damper cooling tube method (DCT), to produce the semi-solid metal slurry, has been introduced. To optimize the technical parameters in designing the apparatus, the finite volume method was adopted to simulate the flow process. The temperature effects on the rheological properties of the slurries were also considered. The effects of the technical parameters on the slurry proper- ties were studied in detail. A new ap-proach named the damper cooling tube method (DCT), to produce the semi-solid metal slurry, has been introduced. To optimize the technical parameters in designing the apparatus, the finite volume method was adopted to simulate the flow process. The temperature effects on the rheological properties of the slurries were also considered. The effects of the technical parameters on the slurry proper- ties were studied in detail.
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