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时下有一个最流行的词,报刊、网络、广告、口头语中都闪烁着它的倩影———作秀。若不信且看:靓妆美眉走俏各大宣传广告牌,商家降价、电器白送之大擂台,模特穿衣表演时装展,明星自述倾情活现,报刊登载作家之“脱口秀”,身体彩绘之“人体秀”,网络高手现场独秀,BBSCS联袂并秀;一 Nowadays there is one of the most popular words, newspapers, the Internet, advertisements, spoken words are flashing its shadows --- make a show. If you do not believe it and see: pretty makeup crush sells the major publicity billboards, business price cuts, white out of the electrical ring, the model dress show fashion show, celebrity self-esteem Qingqing now, newspapers published writer “talk show” body painted “human body Show ”, the network master alone show, BBSCS side by side and show; one
英特尔公司宣布在晶体管发展上取得了革命性的重大突破。英特尔将推出被称为三栅极(Tri-Gate)的革命性3-D晶体管设计,并将批量投产研发代号为Ivy Bridge的22nm英特尔芯片。50
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