
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong565
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本刊讯():中国职业技术教育学会第二届会员代表大会和中国成人教育协会第三届会员代表大会(以下简称两会)于2002年10月19日至20日在北京举行。地方行业的学(协)会代表,有关职成教专家、学者等360余人出席了大会。 教育部部长、党组书记陈至立出席会议并发表重要讲话。陈至立部长在讲话中向两会的召开表示热烈的祝贺。她充分肯定了中国职业技术教育学会和中国成人教育协会在发挥群众团体的优势,为教育部和有关行政部门决策提供服务;积极开展群众性的职业教育、成人教育理论研究和学术交流活动;加强对外学术交流,积极拓宽学术活动空间等方面取得的显著成绩和不可替代的积极作用。对上届学会、协会的会长何东昌同志和所有为学会、协会发展做出贡献的同志们表示衷心的感谢。陈至立部长还指出了今后学会和协会要重点抓好的四项工作(陈至立部长的讲话全文见本期第5页)。 This newsletter (): The Second Congress of Chinese Vocational and Technical Education Association and the Third Congress of China Association of Adult Education (hereinafter referred to as the NPC and CPPCC) were held in Beijing from October 19 to October 20, 2002. More than 360 delegates from local industry associations (associations), relevant professionals, academics, etc. attended the conference. Minister of Education and Party Secretary Chen Zhili attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. In his speech, Minister Chen Zhili extended warm congratulations to the convening of the two sessions. She fully affirmed that China Institute of Vocational and Technical Education and China Association of Adult Education give play to the advantages of mass organizations and provide services to the Ministry of Education and relevant administrative departments in decision-making; actively carry out mass vocational education and adult education theoretical research and academic exchange activities; Foreign academic exchanges, and actively broaden the space for academic activities made remarkable achievements and irreplaceable positive role. I would like to express my heart-felt thanks to Comrade He Dongchang, president of the Association and President of the Association, and all the comrades who contributed to the development of the Institute and the Association. Minister Chen Zhili also pointed out the four tasks to be emphasized by the institutes and associations in the future (for the full text of Minister Chen Zhili’s speech, see page 5 of this issue).