Synthesis of metallic silicide fullerenes and the characteristics thereof by mass spectrometry

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenjung00
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Direct current arc discharge is used for the study on the synthesis of metallo-fullerenes (MFs) to discover whether there exist metallic silicide fullerenes and silicon fullerenes. The resultant components are isolated by the multistage high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed with the Time-of-Flight (TOF) mass spectrometry. Results show that there exist fullerenes such as SiC69, YSi2C64, YSi2C78, Y3Si2C78 as well as Y2Si2C90 which are structurally similar to (Y2C2)@C82. Direct current arc discharge is used for the study on the synthesis of metallo-fullerenes (MFs) to discover whether there exists metallic silicide fullerenes and silicon fullerenes. The resultant components are isolated by the multistage high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and analyzed with the time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry. Results show that there exists fullerenes such as SiC69, YSi2C64, YSi2C78, Y3Si2C78 as well as Y2Si2C90 which are structurally similar to (Y2C2) @ C82.
一年一度的《新闻与写作》笔会,今年在万木森森、凉风习习的大兴县旅游胜地——半壁店森林公园举行。在吐珠溅玉的喷泉池边的会议室里,笔会上的发言仿佛也在吐纳爽气。 刊物
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第二月的训练课程将重点练习双拳的硬度和新的动作。    第一周(周一)    今天学基本功站桩。先热身吧。  体能项目:1.慢跑2000米+400米全速跑。2.跳绳20分钟以上。3.桩功:两前脚掌站桩,练习两脚掌和小腿的力量,并增加脚趾和小腿的肌肉硬度。两脚与肩同宽,仅凭两前脚掌撑地。初时,可扶桌或墙而立,逐渐可用两前脚掌前后左右行走。  注意事项:1.自然呼吸。2.站桩共做4组,每组至力竭为止。