
来源 :国外医学.计划生育妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajianye
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对当前剖腹产率的增加是否改善了母婴的预后出现了争论。争论的焦点是胎膜早破、侵犯性胎儿监护、剖腹产指征的改变与剖腹产后新生儿及产母的病率及死亡率之间这一问题。越来越多的报告指出剖腹产后发生的感染造成严重的病率与死亡率,因而提出产妇在有潜在感染时使用腹膜外剖腹产与预防性抗菌素。为了更有力地评价这一问题,本文对罗得岛妇婴医院自1977年1月至同年12月31日1年间的剖腹产进行了回顾性研究。全年生产总数为5,467人,行剖腹产1,011人,剖腹产率为18.5%,其中首次剖腹产率为13.4%。产妇从14~44岁,平均25.3岁,70%在20岁至30岁之间。胎龄76%在38~42周,剖腹产指征中难产、臀位、胎位异常及胎儿窘迫4种原因占剖腹产的75%以上。 There is controversy over whether the current increase in caesarean section improves maternal or infant outcomes. The focus of the controversy is the problem between premature rupture of membranes, invasive fetal monitoring, indications of caesarean section changes and neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality after caesarean section. An increasing number of reports point out that serious infections and infections caused by caesarean section cause serious morbidity and mortality, thus suggesting the use of extraperitoneal caesarean section and prophylactic antibiotics for potential infection in mothers. In order to evaluate this issue more strongly, a retrospective study was conducted on the caesarean section of the Rhode Island Maternal and Child Hospital from January 1977 to December 31 of the same year. The total annual production of 5,467 people, 1,011 caesarean section, caesarean section rate of 18.5%, of which the first cesarean section rate of 13.4%. Maternal from 14 to 44 years old, an average of 25.3 years old, 70% of 20 to 30 years old. 76% of gestational age at 38 to 42 weeks, indications of caesarean section in the dystocia, breech, fetal abnormalities and fetal distress of four reasons for more than 75% of caesarean section.
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