Motional Quantum State Engineering Via a Single Laser-ion Interaction

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jian85733547
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We propose a scheme to prepare superpositions of several Fock states for the one dimensional motion of a trapped ion. In the scheme the ion is simultaneously excited by N+1 laser beams, with the n th  laser tuned to the n th  upper vibrational sideband. After a short interaction time, a measurement of the internal state may project the vibrational motion onto a superposition of the first N+1 Fock states. The scheme can be easily generalized to synthesize entangled states for the two dimensional ion motion. Key words quantum state engineering, laser ion interaction, superpositionu001aatory of Spectroscopy and Materials, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000) Abstract: A+A/E pattern CIDEP of TEMPO was obtained after laser irradiation of fluoranthene/TEMPO/benzene system. Using the interaction model of excited triplet molecule and doublet rdical, considering the equal population of the doublet spin states of the radical triplet pairs as initial condition, employing the second order perturbation theory and the motion equation of density matrix, the radical spin polarization of the system was theoretically calculated. We propose a scheme to prepare superpositions of several Fock states for the one dimensional motion of a trapped ion. In the scheme the ion is also excited by N + 1 laser beams, with the n th  laser tuned to the n th  upper vibrational sideband. After a short interaction time, a measurement of the internal state may project the vibrational motion onto a superposition of the first  N + 1 Fock states. The scheme can be easily generalized to synthesize entangled states for the two dimensional ion motion. Key words quantum state engineering, laser ion interaction, superposition u001aatory of Spectroscopy and Materials, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000) Abstract: A + A / E pattern CIDEP of TEMPO was obtained after laser irradiation of fluoranthene / TEMPO / benzene system. Using the interaction model of excited triplet molecule and doublet rdical, considering the equal population of the doublet spin states of the radical triplet pairs as initial conditio n, employing the second order perturbation theory and the motion equation of density matrix, the radical spin polarization of the system was theoretically calculated.
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