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当前,电子计算机网络技术和远程通讯技术突飞猛进的发展,为科技信息管理自动化和联网建设创造了前所未有的良好环境和条件。二十世纪七十年代,世界上许多国家已经意识到,信息技术及其产业正成为决定人类命运和世界前途的最重要因素之一,于是纷纷把发展战略的重点转向信息领域。以美国为中心发展起来的计算机网络至今已形成无数个网络,这些网络互相联结,组成国际互联网络(Internet)。全世界已有150个国家和地区加入Inter-net,几乎覆盖了全球,使任何时间、任何地域的任何信息均可瞬间沟通、传递。信息网络是科技人员、教师、研究生及其他学者的宝贵科技信息资源,可以通过网络迅速将世界各地数以万计的研究机构、图书馆、高等院校互联起来,成为对任何课题进行深入 At present, the rapid development of electronic computer network technology and remote communication technology has created an unprecedented good environment and conditions for the automation of science and technology information management and networking. In the 1970s, many countries in the world realized that information technology and its industries are becoming one of the most important factors that determine the fate of mankind and the future of the world. As a result, the development strategy has shifted its focus to the field of information. Computer networks developed around the United States have so far formed innumerable networks that connect with each other to form the Internet. 150 countries around the world have joined Inter-net to cover almost the entire world so that any information, anywhere and anytime, can be instantaneously communicated and delivered. Information networks are valuable scientific and technological information resources for scientists, teachers, postgraduates and other scholars who can rapidly interconnect tens of thousands of research institutes, libraries and institutions of higher learning all over the world through the Internet and become deeply involved in any subject
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