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在世纪之交之际,湖南教育出版社出版反映20世纪中国科普创作面貌的大型丛书《中国科普佳作精选》,为此,我们就有关问题采访了丛书策划人之一符本清同志。记者:出版《中国科普佳作精选》这样的大型丛书是基于什么考虑?符:科学普及实际上是一个教育问题。精神文明建设,主要是指国民的素质建设,国民素质主要包括两个方面,一是科学文化素质,一是道德文明素质。科学知识的普及反映着一个民族的文明程度,因此科学普及是一个民族的一项长期的教育工作。20世纪即将过去,当人们回顾20世纪中国科普创作的时候,总得有一套能够比较全面反映20世纪中国科普创作面貌的图书,而目前国内尚没有这么大规模的科普读物。这套丛书的出版意义可以概括为以下几方面:反映20世纪中国科普创作的成就,展现中国科普出版的成果;普及科学知识,提高国民 At the turn of the century, Hunan Education Press published a large selection of best works of popular science in China that reflected the appearance of Chinese science popularization in the 20th century. To this end, we interviewed Comrade Fu Benqing, one of the curators of the series, on this issue. Reporter: Publication of “China Science Popularization Featured” Such a large series of books is based on what consideration? Fu: Science popularization is actually an educational issue. The construction of spiritual civilization mainly refers to the quality construction of the people. The quality of the people mainly includes two aspects. One is the scientific and cultural quality and the other is the quality of moral civilization. The popularization of scientific knowledge reflects the degree of civilization of a nation, so popularization of science is a long-term education for a nation. As the twentieth century is about to end, when people review the 20th century Chinese science popularization, they always have a set of books that can fully reflect the appearance of Chinese popular science creation in the 20th century. At present, there is not such a large-scale popular science book in China. The publishing meaning of this series of books can be summarized as follows: Reflecting the achievements of popular science popularization in China in the 20th century, showing the achievements of popular science publishing in China; popularizing scientific knowledge and raising the awareness of nationals
日本学校体育思想的发展演变随着近现代日本社会的变化大致经历了三个阶段,即天皇制权威主义产业社会中以为富国强兵服务为主旨的身体教育 The Development and Evolution
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The Triassic in the Longmengshan foreland basin is rich in oil and gas resources.Its reservoirs feature low-porosity,low-permeability,small pore throat,high wat