
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SuperMMX
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目的掌握近年来上海中心城区成蝇季节消长规律、种群构成,为蝇类防控提供依据。方法 2013年3月下旬-11月下旬采用笼诱法对上海中心城区2个公园与1个居民区进行每周1次的成蝇监测,并与2008-2012年常规监测资料进行对比分析。结果 2013年共捕捉成蝇5科40种共计8 004只,其中双重厕蝇为上海地区新纪录;最优势蝇种为大头金蝇(构成比为20.50%),成蝇高峰分别出现于6、8月,分别为140.00和100.60只/(d·笼),7月出现一个明显下降;2008-2012年常规监测,最优势蝇种为丝光绿蝇(构成比24.48%),优势蝇种构成与2013年存在明显差异;不同年份的成蝇频数分布存在显著差异(χ2=187.923,P<0.01),且仅个别年份间的变化趋势存在显著相关性。结论上海中心城区蝇类侵害以大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇等为主,不同监测环境与监测方法间存在较大差异,蝇类侵害防控依然严峻。 OBJECTIVE To grasp the law of population growth and population and the composition of the population in downtown Shanghai in recent years and provide the basis for the prevention and control of flies. Methods From late March to late November, 2013, cage-induction method was used to conduct weekly flies surveillance in two parks and one residential area in downtown Shanghai, and compared with routine monitoring data from 2008 to 2012. Results In 2013, a total of 8 004 species were captured in 5 families and 40 families. Among them, the double room fly was the new record in Shanghai. The dominant fly species was Drosophila melanogaster (composition ratio: 20.50%), and the adult fly peak appeared at 6, August, respectively, 140.00 and 100.60 / (d · cage), a significant decline in July; 2008-2012 regular monitoring, the dominant flies species Lucilia sericata (composition ratio of 24.48%), the dominant species of fly species and There was a significant difference in 2013. There were significant differences in frequency distribution of adult flies in different years (χ2 = 187.923, P <0.01), and there were significant correlations only in the trend of individual years. Conclusion The flies in the downtown area of ​​Shanghai are dominated by golden flies, green flies, etc. There are big differences between different monitoring environments and monitoring methods, and the flies prevention and control are still severe.
二氧化钛 /聚乙烯吡咯烷酮纳米复合薄膜的制备与表征张晟卯 ,吴红丽 ,张治军 ,等 ( 1-1)……………………………………三维网状结构聚金属氧酸盐K4SiW12 O4 0·16H2 O的合成
例1 女45岁右眼上下睑无明显诱因出现持续性痉挛,2年多,当疲劳、精神紧张、睡眠不足时加重。虽口服安定及维生素类药物,未见明显效果。双眼视力均1.5。右上下眼睑持续性跳动
The formation enthalpy of complex nickel(Ⅱ) histidine(His) in water was determined by means of microcalorimetry in the temperature range of 298 15-323 15 K.
秦××男工人门诊号316 1980年10月17日,右眼被铁板崩伤,伤后异物感,羞明流泪,视物不清,用氯霉素眼药水,每日点眼4次。治疗3天,症状不见好转而来院就诊。 Qin XX male work
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