The catalytic behavior of La-Mn-O nanoparticle perovskite-type oxide catalysts for the combustion of

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ypengw
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The La1?xMx MnO3(M=Li, Na, K, Rb, x=0, 0.10, 0.25) perovskite-type oxides whose sizes are nanoparticle have been prepared by the citric acid-ligated method. The characters of the catalysts were characterized by means of XRD, IR, SEM and BET surface area measurement. The catalytic activity for the combustion of soot particulate was evaluated by a technique of the temperature-programmed reaction. In the LaMnO3 catalyst, the partial substitution of alkali metal (Li, Na, K, Rb) into A-site enhanced the catalytic activity for the combustion of soot particle. The La0.75K0.25MnO3 oxides are good candidate catalysts for the soot particle removal reaction, and the combustion tem- peratures of soot particle are between 285℃ and 430℃ when the contact of catalysts and soot is loose, and their catalytic activities for the combustion of soot particle are as good as supported Pt catalysts, which is the best catalyst system so far reported for soot combustion under loose con- tact conditions. The La1? XMx MnO3 (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, x = 0, 0.10, 0.25) perovskite-type oxides whose sizes are nanoparticle have been prepared by the citric acid-ligated method. by means of XRD, IR, SEM and BET surface area measurement. The catalytic activity for the combustion of soot particulate was evaluated by a technique of the temperature-programmed reaction. In the LaMnO3 catalyst, the partial substitution of alkali metal (Li, Na , K, Rb) into A-site enhanced the catalytic activity for the combustion of soot particles. The La0.75K0.25MnO3 oxides are good candidate catalysts for the soot particle removal reaction, and the combustion temperture of soot particles are between 285 ° C and 430 ° C when the contact of catalysts and soot is loose, and their catalytic activities for the combustion of soot particles are as good as supported Pt catalysts, which is the best catalyst system so far reported for soot combustion under loose con- tact conditions .
烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)种群数量的扩大将对巴西种植者们造成诸多不利影响。由于该害虫会对玉米和棉花作物的第2次丰收造成破坏,专家建议该害虫数量必须加以控制。巴西农业研
设计意图:  经过改编的故事《好饿的小蛇》简单、生动,反复出现的拟声词充满趣味,形象地表现了小蛇滑稽、贪吃的特点。在教学活动中,我们引导幼儿用他们能够理解的方式去感受小蛇的滑稽,体验小蛇的贪吃,并支持幼儿用简短的句子去描述自己观察到的内容,表述自己的猜测与想象,使他们体验到阅读的快乐。  目标:  1.初步理解故事内容,感受故事幽默、滑稽的风格。  2.学习用恰当的语言描述物体的颜色与形状,乐意表
我铁矿机修分厂铸造车间长期以来采用传统砂模工艺,生产能力低,铸件成本高、质量差,职工劳动强度大、工作环境恶劣。消失模铸造(Expendable Pattern Casting Process简称EPC
我告别学校后,总有人在知道我是金融和管理专业出身时,诧异地问: “那你以前学的不都浪费了吗?”“你觉得以前学的知识对现在有用吗?”我常常不假思索地回答: “当然有用,用处大概是我学理科培养的逻辑思维和学金融培养的分析能力。”  这是一个看上去很圆满的回答,但事实并非如此。思维不能解决任何问题,无论在任何时候,你想的东西,一定有前人比你更早想到过,你永远别以为自己是最聪明的那个,也永远不可能靠思维战
This winter seems to be colder than before because of the com- ing of “overcapacity”. National Development and Reform Com- mission announced that overcapacity