
来源 :山东医大基础医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CL87781891
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随着喉癌、下咽癌研究的深入 ,有关其分子生物学标记物的研究愈来愈多 ,如P53、P16 、CyclinD1、Ki6 7、Bcl - 2及染色体位点等 ,但由于研究方法不同 ,病例数相对较少 ,因此 ,对各种标记物与喉癌、下咽癌临床表现及生物学行为的关系难以作出准确评价。现复习有关文献 ,寻求有价值的分子生物学标记物 ,为喉癌、下咽癌的诊断及制定正确的治疗方案及判断预后等提供信息 With the further research of laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer, there are more and more researches on its molecular biomarkers such as P53, P16, CyclinD1, Ki6 7, Bcl - 2 and chromosomal loci. However, due to different research methods , The number of cases is relatively small, therefore, it is difficult to make an accurate assessment of the relationship between various markers and the clinical manifestations and biological behavior of laryngeal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer. Now review the literature to seek valuable molecular biomarkers for the diagnosis of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer and to develop the right treatment and prognosis to provide information
叙述了解放CA1091汽车的离合器、变速器、传动轴、后桥、转向装置、制动装置、车架与悬挂、驾驶室等部分的结构特点,并介绍了使用与维修中的一些基本知识。 The structural
Within the effective-mass and finite-height potential barrier approximation,a theoretical study of the effects of strain and hydrostatic pressure on the exciton
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A wideband fractional-N frequency synthesizer is implemented in a 65 nm CMOS process.It employs a wideband LC voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO) with optimized