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某新建6层综合楼与原3层住宅楼山墙之间仅留60毫米沉降缝,设计和施工山墙基础的指导思想是尽量少破损原基础,尽量减少新楼沉降过程对原楼的影响。一、施工做法因新楼±0.000比原楼低0.70米,必须对原楼基础拆除较多大放脚才能施工承台梁,见图1。拆除过程保留了桩孔之间的80%灰土和底层120毫米高大放脚,并用1:2水泥砂浆粉刷补强保护。虽然拆除太多,但对原楼比普通设置沉降缝的砖基础,还扩大了承压面积。二、设计机理 There is only 60 mm of settlement joints between a newly built 6-storey building and the original 3-storey residential building gable. The guiding principle for the design and construction of the gable base is to minimize the damage to the original foundation and minimize the impact of the new building settlement process on the original building. First, construction practices Because the new building ± 0.000 is 0.70 meters lower than the original building, the foot of the original building must be dismantled to build the platform beam. See Figure 1. The dismantling process retains 80% of lime soil between the pile holes and 120mm high footing of the bottom layer and reinforces it with 1:2 cement mortar. Although the removal of too much, but for the original building than the ordinary settlement of the brick foundation, also expanded the pressure area. Second, the design mechanism
1997年6月30日晚11时,香港回归之夜。 再过一个时辰,当子夜的钟声敲响,历经百年沧桑的东方之珠就要回到祖国的怀抱。此时此刻,亿万炎黄子孙都在翘首企盼着这一激动人心的时
天壇是明清两代帝王祭天、祈雨与祈祷豊年的地方。祭祀典礼仪式繁琐,耗费极大。用于祭天与祈雨的圜丘,建于一五三○年,距今已有四百五十多年的历史。 Temple of Heaven is t
·AIM:To establish a new method to record visual evoked potential of rats and this method was applied to retinal cone degeneration (RCD) and congenital stationa
目前许多企业为提高员工的工作士气和工作效率,普遍推行了绩效考核制度。绩效考核制度的实施为企业员工建立了自我激励和自我约束机制,从而使绩效考核过程成为凝聚 At prese