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赵庆立是唐山市城建局冀城市政配套设施有限公司经理。他在四年半任职期间,遵纪守法、爱岗敬业、廉洁自律,团结进取、勇于开拓,不断深入企业内部改革,坚持以市场为导向,加强管理,转换机制,坚持两个文明一起抓,不断提高凝聚力和向心力。克服了任务不饱满、资金缺乏、设备陈旧等许多困难和不利因素,圆满地完成上级领导交给的工作任务,为企业的生存发展打下了坚实的基础。一、深化改革,转变经营机制,建立现代企业制度,增强企业竞争力该同志所在的公司前身是唐山市政建设总公司下属的水泥制品厂。生产的产品是为市政工程所用的污雨水排水管、路边石、便道板等。在计划经济时代,产品全部在本公司内部使用,是一个只管生产不算经济账的生产单位。随着市场经济体制的建立,周边同行业厂家迅速崛起,该厂依然沿袭旧的计划经济体制,缺乏面向市场参与竞争的能力,产品滞销,设备落后,企业常年亏损,经营陷入困境。只有改制才能重生。1998年7月,经市体改委决定,将该厂列入首家事业改企业试点单位,实行自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展的独立法人的经济实体。在改制的关键时刻,局领导将赵庆立同志调入该单位担任领导。他勇敢地挑起了这个重担。上任后,他和其他领导班子成员一起制定、主持和冀东水泥集团联姻,组建起唐山冀城市政配套设施有限公司,在完成股份制改造的基础上,按照以市场为导向,借助联营优势,抓住市场机遇,建立了高效的决策机制,进入快速运转阶段,为企业的生存与发展注入了活力。 Zhao Qingli is the manager of Tangshan Urban Construction Bureau Ji Cheng Municipal Facilities Co., Ltd. During his four-and-a-half-year tenure, he kept his law-abiding, committed himself to work with integrity and dedication to corruption, self-discipline, unity and progress, has the courage to open up and continuously deepen the reform in the enterprise. He insisted on using the market as a guide and stepping up its management and transformation mechanism, Constantly improve cohesion and solidarity. Overcame many difficulties and unfavorable factors such as lack of tasks, lack of funds, outdated equipment, etc., and satisfactorily completed the tasks assigned to them by superiors and laid a solid foundation for the survival and development of the enterprises. I. Deepening Reform, Transforming Management Mechanism, Establishing a Modern Enterprise System and Enhancing the Competitiveness of Enterprises The company where the comrade lived was the predecessor of the cement products factory affiliated to Tangshan Municipal Administration Construction Corporation. The products are used for municipal engineering sewage storm drain, curbs, pavement and so on. In the era of a planned economy, the products are all used internally by the Company and are a production unit that does not produce economic accounts. With the establishment of a market economy system, the manufacturers in the industry around the world have risen rapidly. The factory still follows the old planned economic system, lacks the ability to compete with the market, its products are out of sales, its equipment is outdated, and its business is losing money all year round. Only the restructuring can be born again. In July 1998, the Municipal Sports Reform Commission decided to include the plant in the first pilot entity for business reform, and implement an independent legal entity that operates independently, self-financed and self-reliant. At the crucial moment of the restructuring, the bureau leadership transferred Comrade Zhao Qingli to the unit as the leader. He bravely raised the burden. After taking office, he and other members of the leadership team to develop, presided over the marriage and Jidong Cement Group, the formation of Tangshan Ji Cheng Urban Facilities Co., Ltd., completed the reform of the shareholding system, based on the market-oriented, with the advantages of joint ventures, grasping Living market opportunities, the establishment of an efficient decision-making mechanism, entered a period of rapid operation, for the survival and development of enterprises has injected vitality.
报道称保时捷的CEO Wendelin Wiedeking透露Cayenne确定将使用大众途锐的V6柴油引擎。大众途锐的V6 TDI柴油引擎在额定的240hp下,油耗为 Reported that Porsche CEO Wendeli