Pathogenesis of RON receptor tyrosine kinase in cancer cells: activation mechanism, functional cross

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinglinqiuyi
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The RON receptor tyrosine kinase,a member of the MET proto-oncogene family,is a pathogenic factor implicated in tumor malignancy.Specifically,aberrations in RON signaling result in increased cancer cell growth,survival,invasion,angiogenesis,and drug resistance.Biochemical events such as ligand binding,receptor overexpression,generation of structure-defected variants,and point mutations in the kinase domain contribute to RON signaling activation.Recently,functional crosstalk between RON and signaling proteins such as MET and EFGR has emerged as an additional mechanism for RON activation,which is critical for tumorigenic development.The RON signaling crosstalk acts either as a regulatory feedback loop that strengthens or enhances tumorigenic phenotype of cancer cells or serves as a signaling compensatory pathway providing a growth/survival advantage for cancer cells to escape targeted therapy.Moreover,viral oncoproteins derived from Friend leukemia or Epstein-Barr viruses interact with RON to drive viral oncogenesis.In cancer cells,RON signaling is integrated into cellular signaling network essential for cancer cell growth and survival.These activities provide the molecular basis of targeting RON for cancer treatment.In this review,we will discuss recent data that uncover the mechanisms of RON activation in cancer cells,review evidence of RON signaling crosstalk relevant to cancer malignancy,and emphasize the significance of the RON signaling addiction by cancer cells for tumor therapy.Understanding aberrant RON signaling will not only provide insight into the mechanisms of tumor pathogenesis,but also lead to the development of novel strategies for molecularly targeted cancer treatment. The RON receptor tyrosine kinase, a member of the MET proto-oncogene family, is a pathogenic factor implicated in tumor malignancy. Specifically, aberrations in RON signaling result in increased cancer cell growth, survival, invasion, angiogenesis, and drug resistance. Biochemical events such as ligand binding, receptor overexpression, generation of structure-defected variants, and point mutations in the kinase domain contribute to RON signaling activation. Renewed, functional crosstalk between RON and signaling proteins such as MET and EFGR has emerged as an additional mechanism for RON activation, which is critical for tumorigenic development. RON signaling crosstalk acts either as regulatory feedback loop that strengthens or enhances tumorigenic phenotype of cancer cells or serves as a signaling compensatory pathway providing a growth / survival advantage for cancer cells to escape targeted therapy. Moreover, viral oncoproteins derived from Friend leukemia or Epstein-Barr viruses interact with R ON to drive viral oncogenesis. In cancer cells, RON signaling is integrated into cellular signaling network essential for cancer cell growth and survival. These activities provide the molecular basis of targeting RON for cancer treatment. In this review, we will discuss recent data that uncover the mechanisms of RON activation in cancer cells, review evidence of RON signaling crosstalk relevant to cancer malignancy, and emphasize the significance of the RON signaling addiction by cancer cells for tumor therapy. Understandingderstarant aberrant RON signaling will not only provide insight into the mechanisms of tumor pathogenesis, but also lead to the development of novel strategies for molecularly targeted cancer treatment.