
来源 :防痨通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueDragon8848
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六月四日中国防痨协会总会召开在京防痨工作人员座谈会,到会的有教授、专家、防痨医护人员以及防痨协会总会工作人员共22人,卫生部医疗预防司郭光华副司长和结核科工作人员也出席了会议。由中国防痨协会总会黄鼎臣理事长主持,他首先说防痨工作中存在着许多矛盾,关于这方面在报纸上揭发的还不多,今天希望大家知无不言言无不尽毫无保留地揭发出来,并望结合党的整风,把领导上存在的问题也提出来,以便对整风、对改进工作有所帮助。与会人员均热烈发言,揭发出很多的矛盾,对防痨工作提出了尖锐意见,茲按发言的顺序,摘报如下: On June 4, a total of 22 staff members including professors, experts, anti-tuberculosis medical staff, and anti-tuberculosis associations attended the symposium held by the Chinese Anti-Tuberculosis Association in Beijing. Guo Guanghua, Department of Medical Prevention, Ministry of Health Deputy Director and Tuberculosis Section staff also attended the meeting. Mr. Huang Dingchen, chairman of China Anti-Tuberculosis Association, presided over this forum. First, he said that there are many contradictions in anti-tuberculosis work. He has not disclosed much in newspapers in this regard. Today, he hopes everyone will know everything without revealing And hopefully combine the rectification work of the party with the problems existing on the leadership so as to help rectify the situation and improve the work. All the participants spoke in a warm manner and uncovered many contradictions, and they put forward sharp opinions on the prevention work. According to the order of speeches, we hereby quote the following:
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