Xiamen Stone Fair 2014 Shining like the star

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  With the presence of 2,000 leading stone suppliers and manufacturers from 54 countries and regions in the world and an exhibition space of 166,000 square meters, Xiamen Stone Fair 2014, held on March 6-9, 2014, in Xiamen, China, once again reassured her position as the leading stone fair, to present the trends of the stone industry of stones and machinery in China and throughout the world.
  During the four-day event, 27,003 visitors from all over the world were able to check closely the beauty of stones, machines with the latest technology, the finest service and equipments. This fair was a grand festival for the entire stone and machinery industry.
  In the past years, with the speeding up of urbanization in China, the stone market was developing rapidly, and the supply of quality stones for construction and decoration purposes is increasing. The 2014 fair offered elaboratively-selected samples. It was an opportunity for buyers and sellers of stone products and services from around the world to source an astounding array of the very latest technologies, innovations and techniques. More than an exhibition, the event provided attendees with unrivalled access to information, intelligence, contac ts and experience. Experts from around the world engage in the industry’s most topical discussions, finding solutions, facing challenges and seizing opportunities. In addition, as the fair drew exhibitors and trade visitors from all over the world, it not only serves as a trade platform between foreign companies and Chinese companies, but also a negotiation p l at fo r m fo r i nte r n at i o n a l businessmen. Considering that China is a huge and complex market, many international trade visitors also took advantage of the opportunities to explore the market via short or long business visit.
  In the past years, as Xiamen Stone Fair has increased in scale and influence, it has become a must visit for trade visitors in the industry. For exhibitors, it takes prompt decision to guarantee a booth. In 2014, the exhibition space increased by 6,000 square meters, nevertheless there were about 100 companies on the waiting list right before the opening fo the exhibition. During the 2014 exhibition, many exhibitors booked the booth for the following year. Some exhibitors signed up the contract to participate even earlier. A veteran exhibitor said, “This is the fifth time that I have come to exhibit at Xiamen Stone Fair, and I have set up business connections with companies from both China and abroad. I will come again next year, and hope that I will get a bigger exhibition booth.” Xiamen Stone Fair 2015 will be held on the same date of March 6-9, 2015.
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