
来源 :销售与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinhongwei678
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1998年,远东索芙集团大举进入日化行业,仅用一年左右的时间,以极少的促销费用(回款额10%以下),实现了全国市场销售1.1亿元的营销奇迹,并在全国市场上掀起一股“木瓜”热潮(索芙特系列产品以“木瓜”为卖点,创造性提出了“木瓜白”概念),令众多同行纷纷注目。个中原因除了产品概念好,报纸广告很有特色外,网络营销是其制胜的重要法宝。1998年初,索芙特木瓜白肤香皂投入生产,进行全国市场推广的任务已迫在眉睫,怎样把产品从企业仓库摆在零售商的货架上,是公司营销部要迈出的第一步。为此,公司营销部迅速在全国设立六个大区,从而打响了远东索芙集团网络营销的第一枪。 In 1998, Far East Suofu Group entered the daily chemical industry in a large scale. In only one year or so, with a very small promotion fee (less than 10% of the repayment amount), it achieved a marketing miracle of RMB 110 million in the national market, and it was in the country. On the market, there was an upsurge of “papayas” (Souven series products were sold with papaya), and creatively presented the concept of “papaya white”, which attracted many peers. In addition to the product concept, newspaper advertisements are very characteristic, and online marketing is an important magic weapon for their success. At the beginning of 1998, Sofitel papaya skin soap was put into production, and the task of national marketing was imminent. How to place the product from the enterprise warehouse on the retailer’s shelf was the first step taken by the company’s marketing department. To this end, the company’s marketing department quickly set up six large regions across the country, which opened up the first shot of Far East Suofu Group’s network marketing.
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