
来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkjall
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针对浅埋近距离煤层工作面在推出上覆一侧采空煤柱过程中普遍出现的压架现象,以神东矿区石圪台煤矿1-2煤一盘区4个工作面的开采实例为背景,就一侧采空煤柱下切眼位置对压架发生的影响规律进行研究,由此提出避免出一侧采空煤柱压架的切眼位置确定方法。结果表明:随着一侧采空煤柱下切眼位置逐渐远离煤柱边界,煤柱上方关键层在工作面推出煤柱时的破断形态将随之改变,即由无法破断转变为大跨度悬臂式破断再转变为先初次破断后周期破断,最终影响到压架的发生及其强度。若在近距离煤层间存在关键层时,则煤柱上方关键层的破断形态还将受到该关键层破断与否及其破断形态的影响。由此针对煤层间是否存在关键层,按照切眼布置位置的不同将工作面出一侧采空煤柱的开采划分为2类7种。据此提出保证煤柱上方关键层不发生破断或其破断块体的回转对支架不产生影响的切眼位置确定方法,为压架灾害的防治提供参考和依据。 In view of the common phenomenon of pressure frame during the process of coalmine pillar mining in the overburden and short distance coal seam mining face, the mining example of 4 working faces in 1-2 coal area of ​​Shitutai coalmine in Shendong Mining Area is Background, on the side of the coal pillar under the side of the cut-off position on the impact of pressure ram research, which proposed to avoid the side of the mined coal pillar pressure rack position determination method. The results show that the fracture shape of the key layer above the coal pillar will be changed when the coal pillar is pushed out at the working face as the cut-eye position of the pillar on the one side is gradually away from the boundary of the coal pillar, that is, the unbroken transition to the long-span cantilever Broken and then transformed into the first break after the first period of rupture, eventually affecting the occurrence of pressure frame and its strength. If there is a critical layer between the close coal seams, the fracture pattern of the key layer above the coal pillar will also be affected by the fracture of the key layer or the fractured morphology. Therefore, according to whether there is a critical layer between coal seams, the mining of coal pillar on one side of the working face should be divided into two types and seven species according to the placement of cuttings. Based on this, the method of determining the position of the cut-out hole which can ensure the key layer above the coal pillar not to break or the rotation of the broken block to have no influence on the supporter is proposed to provide a reference and basis for the prevention and cure of the pressure-
木材在户外应用过程中经受雨淋、日晒、霜冻等气象因子交替作用,极易发生开裂、变色、霉变、腐朽等材性劣化现象。本研究利用10%氮羟甲基树脂(13-二羟甲基-4,5-二羟基乙烯脲)/20%蔗糖作为改性剂,对我国木材工业广泛使用的两种人工林木材——国产杨木(Popular adenopoda Maxim)和新西兰进口辐射松(Pinus radiata D.Don)——进行浸渍处理(真空O.O1MPa,1h