大众Cross Coupe

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入选理由:SUV油耗1.8升自从去年底在东京车展上首次亮相,Cross Coupe纷纷被业界看成是途观的未来替代品,或者干脆称它是大众版的揽胜极光,总之它的SUV和跑车的跨界表明了大众接下来的发展态度。 Selected reasons: SUV fuel consumption of 1.8 liters Since the end of last year at the Tokyo Motor Show debut, Cross Coupe have been the industry as a future alternative to Tiguan, or simply call it the Volkswagen version of the Range Rover Aurora, in short its SUV and sports car across the Community shows the public’s subsequent development attitude.
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2009年12月27日,新华水利水电投资公司2009年第十台机组并网发电仪式在北京举行。水利部党组成员、办公厅主任陈小江出席会议并讲 December 27, 2009, Xinhua Water and Pow
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