Safety of Human Recombinant Proteins

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Recombinant human proteins play an important role in therapy, especially in stimulating the hematopoiesis after chemotherapy, e. g., erythropoietin and colony stimulating factors,while several promising candidates such as IL-6, IL-12, thrombopoietin and others are in clinical development. Since the recombinant proteins are copies of endogenous proteins, it was assumed that they would be well tolerated. While this assumption is correct for some, other proteins proved to be less well tolerated. Therefore, preclinical safety assessment of these pro teins is necessary. Based on the experience with several proteins, some guidance for the safety assessment can be given. Furthermore, data are presented demonstrating that preclinical toxi city studies may have a predictive value for man. Limitations of the classical approach of safety tests and new concepts are discussed Recombinant human proteins play an important role in therapy, particularly in stimulating the hematopoiesis after chemotherapy, eg, erythropoietin and colony stimulating factors, while several promising candidates such as IL-6, IL-12, thrombopoietin and others are in clinical development. Since the recombinant proteins are copies of endogenous proteins, it was assumed that they would be well tolerated. While this assumption would be well tolerated. experience with several proteins, some guidance for the safety assessment can be given. Furthermore, data are presented demonstrating that preclinical toxi city studies may have a predictive value for man. Limitations of the classical approach of safety tests and new concepts are discussed.
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<正> 本文试图从当代艺术中个体精神的能动性与文化的选择意义出发,去寻找艺术个体怎样在形态的实验与实践中将精神性与文化的建构合为一体。