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<正> 杂交辣椒在定植后,危害性比较大的虫害主要有三类:一类是地下害虫;一类是叶片害虫;一类是果实害虫。(1)地下害虫。主要是土蚕、蝼蛄、蛴螬、根蛆、根蚜、蚯蚓等。防治时要从定植开始,
Recently in [1] Goyal and Agarwal interpreted a generalized basic series as a generating function for a colour partition function and a weighted lattice path fu
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A graph G is said to have a perfect dominating set S if S is a set of vertices of G and for each vertex v of G, either v is in S and v is adjacent to no other v
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