<i>d-Distance</i>Coloring of Generalized Petersen Graphs <i&g

来源 :离散数学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qipini
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A coloring of G is d-distance if any two vertices at distance at most d from each other get different colors. The minimum number of colors in d-distance colorings of G is its d-distance chromatic number, denoted by χd(G). In this paper, we give the exact
In this study, the sliced functional time series (SFTS) model is applied to the Global, Northern and Southern temperature anomalies. We obtained the combined la
我院1998年2月~2003年10月共收治非外伤性脑出血1 635例,其中丘脑出血192例,占11.7%,首诊误诊8例,误诊率4.2%.现报告如下.
An integer distance graph is a graph G(Z,D) with the set of integers as vertex set and an edge joining two vertices u and?v if and only if ∣u - v∣D where D is
郭沫若是20世纪中国评价差异最大的文化名人。郭沫若评价和研究早已不再局限于单纯 的学院派研究的小圈子 ,而是进入到由主流、学院、商业、民间四种话语系统组成的充满张力的
1 病例资料[例1]男,4岁。主因间断发热伴腹痛2周入院。患儿自入院前2周发热,体温38—40%,发热前寒战,伴阵发性腹痛,高热时加重,热退时一般情况尚可,无头痛、呕吐、抽搐、昏迷、皮疹。
Network is considered naturally as a wide range of different contexts, such as biological systems, social relationships as well as various technological scenari
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Recently in [1] Goyal and Agarwal interpreted a generalized basic series as a generating function for a colour partition function and a weighted lattice path fu