CHINAPLAS 2016 Reaches 30th Edition

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  Looking back, when CHINAPLAS was held for the first time in Beijing in 1983, the exhibition area was only 2,000sqm, and 90% of the exhibitors were from overseas. At that time, the production technology in China was still at a very low level, CHINAPLAS visitors mainly came to learn the advanced technologies from overseas countries. Today, China has become a big manufacturing country with strong production ability, and is exporting the most plastics and rubber machineries in recent years. In the past three decades, CHINAPLAS has been moving forward together with the China market, and has developed into a platform for the showcase of both overseas technologies and Chinese machineries for export. Its international nature attracts overseas visitors from more than 150 countries and regions, which accounts for nearly 30% of the show’s visitors. CHINAPLAS will continue to keep abreast of the trends in the dynamic environment, and lead the industry to cope with the changing world.
  Greenovation for a Smart Future
  Like other manufacturing industries in China, plastics and rubber industries are facing transformation to meet the new era of intelligent production. The world’s leading manufacturing countries have launched national strategic plans to meet the challenges in the new era and to strengthen their industrial competitiveness. Examples include "Industry 4.0" of Germany, "Advanced Manufacturing Partnership" of USA, and "New Robot Strategy" of Japan. China also launched the "Made in China 2025" strategic plan recently to boost its industrial growth, with the aim to comprehensively upgrade Chinese manufacturing industries. It is not hard to find that intelligent manufacturing plays a vital part in all of these national plans in adapting to new market environment. CHINAPLAS as a leading plastics and rubber trade fair always moves ahead together with the industry. The new show theme "Greenovation for a Smart Future" signifies that the show content next year will focus on green and innovative technologies, as well as intelligent manufacturing solutions in response to the development of the industry. With more new and high-end technology on display, the show can better support enterprises to explore business opportunities.
  The biggest ever with more attractions
  The 30th CHINAPLAS will be held from 25 to 28 April, 2016 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, PR China, with an exhibition area over 240,000sqm, and more than 3,200 exhibitors are expected. The show is supported by a number of country and region pavilions, including Austrian, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Swiss, Taiwanese, and USA Pavilions. With broader range of exhibits, the number of theme zones will rise to sixteen, among which the "Automation Technology Zone", "Composite & High Performance Materials Zone" and "Recycling Technology Zone" are all new to the coming show in Shanghai. Intelligent production lines and systems, industrial robots, high performance materials, composite materials, the latest and most complete recycling solutions as well as other plastics and rubber technology breakthroughs will be showcased under one roof.
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Many world exhibitions have made history. Sometimes, guests of state like German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 17 August give them a major boost. But often it is the countless little stories that happen
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在1月11日开幕的荷兰餐饮博览会上,多位本地中餐馆名厨与荷兰、法国的西餐大师同台展现厨艺,让观众领略到中餐美食与西式大餐的精彩。  一年一度的荷兰餐饮博览会对餐饮业界和普通民众开放,如今已举办第60届。本届博览会为期4天,以创新和可持续发展为主题,600多家餐饮及相关企业在展会期间推出150多项餐饮创新发明。博览会的亚洲馆举办了寿司和点心作坊、茶道、中国烹饪技术演示、厨房卫生讲座等丰富多彩的活动。
As a leading global exhibition organizer, Informa Exhibitions has long been organizing successful events like Middle East Electricity and Arab Health, the biggest in the Middle East and the second big
China and Maldives have had trade contacts since ancient times. Diplomatic relations were establishes in 1972, but mainly due to geographic distance, the trade communication between China and Maldives