China-Maldives exchange on good momentum

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  China and Maldives have had trade contacts since ancient times. Diplomatic relations were establishes in 1972, but mainly due to geographic distance, the trade communication between China and Maldives had not advanced on large scale until around 2009-2010. According to China Customs Statistics, in 2014, the bilateral trade between the two countries reached US$104.4 million, among which China’s export value was US$104 million, and import value, US$380,200. Currently, Chinese companies are investing in Maldives mainly in the sectors of real estate and tourism, and some large scale infrastructure construction projects like the China-Maldives Friendship Bridge and the upgrading project of expansion of the Maldives international airport. Feasibility studies on China – Maldives Free Trade Agreement is finished and the bilateral FTA is now also under negotiation and is expected to be finished by the end of this year or next year. Trade and investment flows will enhance and increase once the FTA is signed.
  As a preferred tourist destination for Chinese tourists since long ago, Maldives is now providing many adapted tourist products to cater for the special needs of Chinese tourists, who account for one third of its international travelers each year. Many local resorts hire Chinese speaking staff, hotels set up Chinese cuisine section and traditional Chinese entertainment activities. Many duty free shops in Maldives airports provide Union Pay service and preferred commodities like luxury goods and wines to attract Chinese tourists. However, the Ambassador hopes that during the stay in Maldives, Chinese tourists can experience local culture in a more in-depth manner.
  As a famous MICE destination itself, the convention and exhibition industry in Maldives mainly serves regional markets including India and Sri Lanka. Apart from one purpose- built convention center in Male, the government is planning to build another convention venue. In 2015, the first international construction exhibition in Maldives was held in Male, international exhibitors came from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and China. Each year, Maldives travel agents and tourist resorts also come to participate in Chinese travel fairs.
  As one of the first countries to sign an MOU to jointly construct the Maritime Silk Route, Maldives wholeheartedly welcomes the One Belt One Road initiative of the Chinese government. Maldives is now in frequent interaction with China in culture, education and trade areas. Some of the projects include music performance, education scholarships, and sports activities.
  This year, Maldives will participate in China-South Asia Exposition in Kunming, Yunnan as the Country of Honor. The country will exhibit in large scale, hold investment activities and a high level delegation will attend the Expo.
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在1月11日开幕的荷兰餐饮博览会上,多位本地中餐馆名厨与荷兰、法国的西餐大师同台展现厨艺,让观众领略到中餐美食与西式大餐的精彩。  一年一度的荷兰餐饮博览会对餐饮业界和普通民众开放,如今已举办第60届。本届博览会为期4天,以创新和可持续发展为主题,600多家餐饮及相关企业在展会期间推出150多项餐饮创新发明。博览会的亚洲馆举办了寿司和点心作坊、茶道、中国烹饪技术演示、厨房卫生讲座等丰富多彩的活动。
As a leading global exhibition organizer, Informa Exhibitions has long been organizing successful events like Middle East Electricity and Arab Health, the biggest in the Middle East and the second big