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谁曾想到,荔枝中存在的一种毒素竟可能造成荔枝产地数以百计的儿童伤亡。一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来。荔枝,凝脂细润,香甜味美,满足了古代君王的口腹之欲,也让食者为之倾倒。唐宋八大家之一的苏轼就曾作出“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人”的诗句。但谁曾想到,荔枝中竟可能隐藏着毒害儿童的凶手。近日,3个科研团队的研究结果或许揭示了印度穆扎夫法尔普尔众多儿童死于非命的原因。 Who once thought that one of the toxins present in the litchi could have caused hundreds of child casualties in the litchi origin? A riding Red dust concubine laugh, no one knows is lychee. Lychee, Gelsy fine, sweet and delicious, to meet the appetite of the ancient king, but also allow the Eaters to dump it. Su Shi, one of the eight members of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once made the poem “Three hundred sundials lychee, long as Lingnan people.” But who once thought, the litchi may actually hide the murderer poisoning children. Recently, the results of the research conducted by the three research teams may reveal the reason why many children in Mufifarpur, India, died of the disease.
同型半胱氨酸是蛋氨酸代谢的中间产物 ,它的生理作用是维持体内含硫氨基酸的平衡。近年来的研究显示 ,血浆同型半胱氨酸水平的升高与血管疾病有关。糖尿病的慢性并发症主要是
20 0 3年 10月 19日 ,在纪念鲁迅先生逝世 6 7周年之际 ,鲁迅研究者及其他各界人士百余人聚集鲁迅博物馆 ,参加这里举办的《鲁迅友人墨宝展》开幕式。向鲁迅博物馆捐赠徐旭生
Motor impairments in autism spectrum disorders(ASD) have received far less research attention than core social- communication and cognitive features. Yet, behav
The history of mankind and nature is toa large extent also a history of man’S relationswith the climate.Climatic variation between cold and warm has had profou