Experimental Analysis on the Variable Polarity Plasma Arc Pressure

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongkelong
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Arc pressure is one of the key factors for variable polarity plasma arc(VPPA) and welding pool formation. In this paper, VPPA pressure is measured by pressure transducer and U-tube barometer methods, and advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are compared. The effects of welding parameters, including with straight polarity(SP) current, reverse polarity(RP) current, time ratio of SP to RP, plasma gas flow rate, on VPPA pressure are investigated by using an orthogonal design. The experimental results indicate that the influencing degree of the welding parameters are in the order of plasma gas flow rate, SP current, time ratio of SP to RP, RP current. These results are important to researches of VPPA welding process and its mechanism. The physics behavior of VPPA is taken into account when the above influence mechanisms are analyzed. Firstly, according to the mechanism of the cooling compression to the arc, the compression to VPPA is enhanced with the increase of plasma gas flow, so the VPPA pressure would increase obviously. Secondly, although the temperature of VPPA is as a function of the welding current, the radius of VPPA is also enhanced. So the effects of SP current on VPPA pressure are inferior to the effects of plasma gas flow. Thirdly, VPPA pressure increases as a function of time ratio of SP to RP because the frequency of welding current influences the arc pressure to the some degree; Finally, the RP intervals are farther less than the SP intervals, so the influence to the pressure is minimal. Arc pressure is one of the key factors for variable polarity plasma arc (VPPA) and welding pool formation. In this paper, VPPA pressure is measured by pressure transducer and U-tube barometer methods, and advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are compared. The effects of welding parameters, including with straight polarity (SP) current, reverse polarity (RP) current, time ratio of SP to RP, plasma gas flow rate, on VPPA pressure are investigated by using an orthogonal design. The experimental results indicate that that the influencing degree of the welding parameters are in the order of plasma gas flow rate, SP current, time ratio of SP to RP, RP current. These results are important to researches of VPPA welding process and its mechanism. taken into account when the above influence mechanisms are being analyzed. The compression of VPPA is enhanced with the increase of plasma gas flow, so the VPPA pressure would increase obviously. Secondly, although the VPPA is as a function of the welding current, the radius of VPPA is also enhanced. So the effects of SP current on VPPA pressure are inferior to the effects of plasma gas flow Thirdly, VPPA pressure increases as a function of time ratio of SP to RP because the frequency of welding current influences the arc pressure to the some degree; Finally, the RP intervals are farther less than the SP intervals, so the influence to the pressure is minimal.
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肱骨内外上髁炎是临床常见病多发病,病因复杂,治疗效果不满意。我院骨科门诊自1990-08~1997-08采用局部封闭加自配中药烫洗治疗1898例,取得了满意效果。1 一般资料 门诊病例1
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1临床资料随机分治疗组及对照组。治疗组50例,男35例,女15例;年龄26~60岁,平均为43岁;其中轻型1例,中型10例,重型39例。对照组50例,男30例,女20例;年龄30~60岁,平均45岁;其中轻型5例,中型15例,重型30例。两组差异无显... 1 clini
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