Oxyntic gland adenoma endoscopically mimicking a gastric neuroendocrine tumor: A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaochao0926
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Gastric adenocarcinoma is one of the most common malignancies worldwide.Histochemical and immunohistologic analyses classify the phenotypes of gastric adenocarcinoma into several groups based on the variable clinical and pathologic features.A new and rare variant of gastric adenocarcinoma with chief cell differentiation(GA-CCD)has recently been recognized.Studies reporting the distinct clinicopathologic characteristics proposed the term oxyntic gland polyp/adenoma because of the benign nature of the GACCD.Typically,GA-CCD is a solitary mucosal lesion that develops either in the gastric cardia or fundus.Histologically,this lesion is characterized by tightly clustered glands and anastomosing cords of chief cells.Immunohistochemically,GA-CCD is diffusely positive for mucin(MUC)6 and negative for MUC2and MUC5AC.However,other gastric tumors such as a gastric neuroendocrine tumor or fundic gland polyp have been difficult to exclude.Because GA-CCD tends to be endoscopically misdiagnosed as a neuroendocrine tumor or fundic gland polyp,comprehensive assessment and observation by an endoscopist are strongly recommended.Herein,we report a rare case of oxyntic gland adenoma endoscopically mimicking a gastric neuroendocrine tumor that was successfully removed by endoscopic mucosal resection. Gastric adenocarcinoma is one of the most common malignancies worldwide. Histochemical and immunohistologic analyzes classify the phenotypes of gastric adenocarcinoma into several groups based on the variable clinical and pathologic features. A new and rare variant of gastric adenocarcinoma with chief cell differentiation (GA-CCD) has recently been recognized.Studies reporting the distinct clinicopathologic characteristics of the term oxyntic gland polyp / adenoma because of the benign nature of the GACCD.Typically, GA-CCD is a solitary mucosal lesion that develops either in the gastric cardia or fundus. Histologically, this lesion is characterized by tightly clustered glands and anastomosing cords of chief cells. Immunohistochemically, GA-CCD is diffusely positive for mucin (MUC) 6 and negative for MUC2 and MUC5AC.However, other gastric tumors such as a gastric neuroendocrine tumor or fundic gland polyp have been difficult to exclude.Because GA-CCD tends to be endoscopically misdiagnosed as a neuroendocrine tumor or fundic gland polyp, comprehensive assessment and observation by an endoscopist are strongly recommended. Herein, we report a rare case of oxyntic gland adenoma endoscopically mimicking a gastric neuroendocrine tumor that was successfully removed by endoscopic mucosal resection.
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