远去的西递村 数百亩良田被征用 农耕文化消失殆尽

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在民居改造中,一位普通的村民,曾因擅自指使砖工将房屋木架和西、北两处墙体拆除,被依法判处有期徒刑一年,并处罚金3000元……这是2002年,安徽西递村被联合国教科文组织纳入世界文化遗产名录之初发生的一件当时让所有人都觉得是很正常、很应该、处理得很得当的事件。当时的人们对任何有损西递村形象的行为都认为不能容忍,因为他们曾集体发誓要保护西递—这座人类文明的遗产。然而,事隔四年之后,这一切便开始发生了惊天大逆转。旅游开发、房地产建设、经济利益的驱使,蚕食的力量使西递村这座因古风浓郁而为世人瞩目的“桃花源里人家”逐渐地“旧貌变新颜”了。西递村四面环山,两条溪流从村北、村东经村落在村南会源桥汇聚。村落以一条纵向的街道和两条沿溪的道路为主要骨架,构成东向为主、向南北延伸的村落街巷系统。所有街巷均以黟县青石铺地,古建筑为木结构、砖墙维护,木雕、石雕、砖雕丰富多彩,巷道、溪流、建筑布局和谐相宜,村落空间变化韵味有致,建筑色调朴素淡雅,体现了皖南古村落人居环境营造方面的杰出成就,具有很高的历史、艺术和科学价值。但现实很残酷,文化要交流,旅游要开发,经济要发展,政府要政绩,老百姓要生存……却又要保持文化遗产的原汁原味。很难!这些矛盾看似难以协调,其实不然。世界上有很多成功保护世界文化遗产的案例值得我们借鉴,不妨“拿来主义”为己所用,否则老祖宗留给我们的这些“存货”终有一天要在一片保护和开发声中变得面目全非。 In the reconstruction of houses, an ordinary villager who was instructed by brick and mortar to remove the wooden houses and the two walls from the west and north without authorization was sentenced to one year imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 yuan. This was 2002 , Xidi Village, Anhui Province was listed by UNESCO as the beginning of the world cultural heritage at that time so that all people think it is normal, it should be, handled properly. People of that time considered it unacceptable that any attempt to undermine the image of Xidi village would have been collectively vowed to protect Xidi, the heritage of this human civilization. However, after a lapse of four years, all this started to have a dramatic turnaround. Tourism development, real estate construction, driven by economic interests, the power of erode the Xidi village because of the archaize and the world’s attention “Peach Blossom Valley source ” gradually “old appearance change new color ”. Xidi village surrounded by mountains, two streams from the village north, village east village in the village of Nanhui source bridge convergence. The village with a vertical street and two along the road as the main skeleton, constitute the east-oriented, extending north-south village street system. All the streets and alleys are paved with Qingshi stone in Yixian County. The ancient buildings are of wooden structure, with the maintenance of brick walls, colorful wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings. The roadways, streams, architectural layouts are harmoniously matched, It reflects the outstanding achievements in the construction of the living environment in the ancient villages in southern Anhui, and has high historical, artistic and scientific values. However, the reality is very cruel, cultural exchanges, tourism development, economic development, the government performance, people want to survive ... ... but also to maintain the authenticity of cultural heritage. Difficult! These conflicts seem difficult to coordinate, it is not. There are many cases in the world that have succeeded in protecting the world’s cultural heritage and we should learn from it. We may as well have used it for our own sake, or the “stock” left behind by our ancestors will eventually one day be protected and developed Becomes beyond recognition.
<正> 如何会形成一首首风格迥异的歌曲旋律呢?这是由于乐音富有变化的运动结果。这些乐音我们可以近似地看作几何学上的“点”,这些旋律也可以近似地看作几何学上的“线”。
现代科技的高歌猛进,让朋友之间的交流、沟通变得愈加轻松、便捷。短信、电子邮件、QQ、 MSN,足不出户就可以轻而易举地和朋友保持良好而又亲密的关系。然而,某些时候,我们却
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埃勒博士是格里利的北科罗拉多大学音乐系副主任。这篇文章是他的题为“关于作曲和理论的想法”一组系列文章中的一篇。 Eller is Associate Director of Music at Norther