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一、科学与艺术1、引子科学与艺术的关系是一个古老的课题。已经有多少前人先哲,包括科学家和艺术家,对此发表过他们的真知灼见。作为人类文化的两翼,从不同的角度,有人强调他们的差别,认为“科学探索大自然,而艺术探索人的心灵”(穆斯泰·伽里姆),“科学著作的生命很短,而艺术则可以永葆青春”(契太依戈罗茨基);有人强调他们的一致,指出“艺术家的猜想与科学家的发现多么相似(巴尔扎克)”,“真正的科学和真正的音乐需要同样的思维过程”(爱因斯坦)。一直到现在,还在争论未来是属于科学还是属于艺术。2、当代科学发展的三个特点当代科学发展的特点之一是各种学科的交叉渗透达到了一个新的阶段。如果说两门自然科学之间的交叉,如生物物理、地球化学等可称之为第一类交叉学科;自然科学向社会科学的渗透,如数理统计用于经济学、社会学等可称之为第二类交叉学科;而进入本世纪六、七十年代以后,则是自然科学、技术科学、社会科学、人文科学以至于艺术和哲学等各种门类的学科的交汇和融合,这是第三类交叉学科。当前,无数交叉性的新学科如雨后春笋般出现,已经分不清楚是属于哪种科学的门类了。越来越多的跨不同学科门类的专家在一起合作,并且出现了不少兼通两种或多种学科的专门家。 First, science and art 1, cited the relationship between science and art is an ancient issue. How many previous sages, including scientists and artists, have published their insights. As the two wings of human culture, from different perspectives, some people emphasize their differences. They think that “science explores nature and art explores human minds” (Musteer Gallim). “The life of scientific writings is very short. Art can forever be youthful ”(Too much according to Grosz Roots); some emphasize their agreement, stating“ how much the artist’s conjecture is with scientists’ discoveries (Balzac) ”,“ real science and real musical needs Same thinking process ”(Einstein). Until now, still debating whether the future belongs to science or art. 2. Three Features of Contemporary Scientific Development One of the characteristics of contemporary scientific development is that the cross-penetration of various disciplines has reached a new stage. If we say that the cross between the two natural sciences, such as biophysics and geochemistry, can be called the first type of interdisciplinary; the infiltration of natural science into the social sciences, such as mathematical statistics for economics and sociology, can be called As the second type of interdisciplinary; and into the sixties and seventies of this century, it is the natural sciences, technical sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts and philosophy and other disciplines of convergence and fusion, which is the first Three types of interdisciplinary. At present, numerous new and interdisciplinary disciplines have mushroomed, and it is unclear which science belongs to them. More and more experts from different disciplines are working together and there are quite a few specialists who share two or more disciplines.
01各种可爱的南瓜,有没有让你食欲大动呢?过了一个假期,是不是还是对那些美味难以忘怀呢?本期的创意工坊就带大家去回味回味。这些食物在摄影师PND FUTURA巧妙的光影布局下带
目的探讨急性白血病(acute leukemia,AL)并发医院血流感染的危险因素及防治措施。方法采用回顾性研究方法对 AL 合并医院血流感染的临床资料进行统计分析。结果 AL 合并病原
一部涵括国内近千家报纸创刊号的大型文献性丛书——《中国报纸创刊号》,近日由人民日报出版社出版。 报纸的创刊号,是报纸诞生的标识,是报业成长历程的里程碑。为了回顾和
表弟真是太任性了。  凡是他看中的玩具,总是任性地要求家人购买。为了达到自己的目的,表弟自有高招。先是苦苦哀求,拉着大人的手,依依不舍地望着橱窗里的玩具,嘴里嘟囔着“我就喜欢”、“快给买呀”之类的话语,不肯移步。如果这一招不奏效,表弟立马会使出第二招:大声号哭,一把鼻涕一把眼泪,声嘶力竭,悲痛欲绝,让人烦不胜烦,大人们往往就招架不住,只得乖乖掏钱。如果再遭拒绝,表弟接着会使出“撒手锏”,一屁股坐在
中国加入 WTO 后,出版界如何应对挑战,是业内人士的热门话题。这篇文章就书目信息如何适应图书市场发展需要的问题作了有价值的探讨。但由于这是一个涉及面较广的系统工程,一
“80后”们的童年,能够拥有一本《吉尼斯世界纪录》,便犹如获得一本百科宝典,是可以拿来在小伙伴面前炫耀的。然而如今,一听到“吉尼斯”这三个字,脑海里浮现出来的都是巨大的广场、亢奋的人群、扩音器里发出的阵阵嚣叫。  “Officially Amazing”是吉尼斯世界纪录的标语,原意是官方认可的令人惊奇的(事物),也曾被译作“严肃而有趣”。而在国内,翻看这些年诞生的吉尼斯世界纪录,毫无amazing