
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godsayyou
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自党中央提出政治体制改革的主张以来,许多同志一直在思考和探索研究会自身改革的问题。辽宁省研究会宋善聚同志在探索的基础上,提出了许多很好的意见和建议,发表了《研究会工作也要改革》的文章,给了我们很多启发。笔者想从另一些侧面,就研究会自身改革的问题,发表几点意见。一、注意改革背景研究会自身改革,无论是组织制度还是活动方式,都必须放在经济体制改革和政治体制改革这个大背景下去考虑。当前,经济与政治体制改革 Since the party Central Committee put forward the proposition of reform of the political system, many comrades have been thinking and exploring the issue of reform of the research society itself. On the basis of explorations, Comrade Song Shanju from the Liaoning Provincial Research Society made many good comments and suggestions and published an article entitled “Work of the Research Institute should be Reformed,” which gave us a lot of inspiration. I would like to make some comments on the other aspects of the reform of the research society itself. First, pay attention to the reform background Research will reform itself, both the organizational system and activities, must be placed on the economic restructuring and political reform in this context to consider. At present, the economic and political system reform
天津市第一中心医院于1970年至1980年间共收治特治烧伤128例,并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征(AROS)18例,属I、n期 Tianjin First Central Hospital from 1970 to 1980 were treate
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