Women's Studies Enters New Period

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morgan1912
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Moving Into a Decision-Making Period Redefining gender relationships in terms of scientific research, and scientifically determining the influence women have on social decision-making forces is a new subject in women’s studies since the 1980s in China. Channels enabling women to participate in decision-making processes have grown significantly. Women’s studies organizations and specialists in the field directly participate in government decision-making processes. The promulgation and Moving Into a Decision-Making Period Redefining gender relationships in terms of scientific research, and scientifically determining the influence women have on social decision-making forces is a new subject in women’s studies since the 1980s in China. Channels enabling women to participate in decision- making processes have grown significantly. Women’s studies organizations and specialists in the field directly participate in government decision-making processes. The promulgation and
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天津市第一中心医院于1970年至1980年间共收治特治烧伤128例,并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征(AROS)18例,属I、n期 Tianjin First Central Hospital from 1970 to 1980 were treate
商业部、财政部以(91)商财联字第82号文对《国营商业企业成本管理办法》(财政部(90)财商字第504号文)的有关会计处理作如下规定: 一,将“大修理基金”科目改为“修理基金”