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作为液压系统的辅助动力源是蓄能器的主要用途之一。在这类系统中通常采用一台小泵(高压,小流量)在相对长的时间内向蓄能器充液,然后蓄能器在短时间内供给系统需要的能量。这对于间歇运动的液压机械尤为适用。由于选用较小的液压泵便可获得执行元件的快速运动,因而设计快速响应系统时几乎毫无例外地采用蓄能器装置。研究蓄能器向负载油缸的排液过程对于合理地选用蓄能器,确定蓄能器及其系统的参数,对于响应的快速性有重要意义。本文对蓄能器向负载油缸的排液过程进行分析和讨论,结合实例进行计算机仿真研究,并运用仿真的结果确定所设计系统的参数。 As the auxiliary power source of the hydraulic system is one of the main purposes of the accumulator. In this type of system, a small pump (high pressure, low flow) is usually used to charge the accumulator for a relatively long period of time, and then the accumulator supplies the energy needed for the system in a short period of time. This is particularly suitable for intermittent exercise of hydraulic machinery. Due to the quick movement of the actuator due to the choice of a smaller hydraulic pump, an accumulator arrangement is almost invariably used when designing quick response systems. Researching the discharge process of the accumulator to the load cylinder is of great significance to the rapid selection of the accumulator and its system parameters. This paper analyzes and discusses the discharge process of the accumulator to the load cylinder, carries on the computer simulation research with the examples, and uses the simulation results to determine the parameters of the designed system.
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据美国 Science 1993年2月12日报道,几位法国科学家成功地用非复制型腺病毒把编码β-半乳糖苷酶的基因转至小鼠的在体和离体神经细胞中,接种的细胞具β-半乳糖昔酶活性达2个
<正> 《艺术哲学》[德]弗·威·约·封·谢林著魏庆征译 中国社会出版社出版 36.00元 《艺术哲学》为德国著名哲学家弗·威·约·封·谢林(1775—1854)的一部重要
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