
来源 :中华流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cedzyh
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目的:分析2015年中国成年人自报癌症患者分布特征及其危险因素。方法:使用2015年中国慢性病及其危险因素监测数据,通过描述性统计分析分类变量的频率和比例,采用n χ2检验比较无序分类变量,采用单因素logistic回归和多因素logistic回归筛选出癌症患者可能的危险因素。n 结果:2015年中国共有1 809人自报患有癌症,男性689人(0.63%),女性1 120人(1.03%),东部地区769人(0.71%),中部地区465人(0.43%),西部地区575人(0.53%)。患病人群主要分布在45~岁及55~岁两个年龄组、超重或肥胖、东部城市地区、文化程度低、已婚、家庭年收入低、就业等人群中。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,相对于西部,东部地区人群患癌风险较高(n OR=1.05,95%n CI:1.04~1.06),而中部地区较低(n OR=0.94,95%n CI:0.93~0.95);有癌症家族史的人群患癌风险高于无癌症家族史人群(n OR=1.95,95%n CI:1.94~1.96);家庭年收入<10 000元或者10 000~元的人群患癌风险高于家庭年收入≥50 000元人群(<10 000元:n OR=1.59,95%n CI:1.58~1.60;10 000~元:n OR=1.27,95%n CI:1.26~1.28);城市地区人群患癌风险低于农村地区人群(n OR=0.98,95%n CI:0.97~0.99)。在个人行为与饮食方面,吸烟人群患癌风险是不吸烟人群的1.25倍(n OR=1.25,95%n CI:1.24~1.26)、饮酒人群患癌风险是不饮酒人群的1.16倍(n OR=1.16,95%n CI:1.15~1.17)、蔬菜摄入不足和水果摄入不足的人群患癌风险分别是蔬菜、水果摄入充足人群的1.29倍和1.03倍(n OR=1.29,95%n CI:1.28~1.30;n OR=1.03,95%n CI:1.02~1.04),高强度运动频率低的人群患癌风险高于高强度运动频率高的人群(n OR=1.32,95%n CI:1.31~1.33),中等强度运动频率低的人群患癌风险高于中等强度运动频率高的人群(n OR=1.08,95%n CI:1.07~1.09),静坐时间<2 h的人群患癌风险高于静坐≥2 h的人群(n OR=1.69,95%n CI:1.68~1.70),红肉摄入适量的人群患癌风险低于红肉摄入过量的人群(n OR=0.86,95%n CI:0.85~0.87)。n 结论:女性自报患有癌症人数多于男性,东部地区自报患有癌症人数高于中、西部地区。东部地区、有癌症家族史,家庭年收入低、吸烟、饮酒、蔬菜、水果摄入不足、高/中等强度运动少为癌症患者的主要危险因素,中部地区、城市地区和红肉摄入适量为保护因素。“,”Objective:To analyze the prevalence and risk factors of self-reported cancer in adults in China in 2015.Methods:The data used in this study were from China Chronic Disease and Risk Factors Surveillance in 2015. The frequency and proportion of the classified variables were analyzed by descriptive statistics, the disordered classified variables were compared by n χ2 test, and the possible risk factors of cancer patients were screened by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses.n Results:In 2015, there were 1 809 self-reported tumors patients in China, including 689 males (0.63%), 1 120 females (1.03%), 769 (0.71%) in the eastern region, 465 (0.43%) in the central region and 575 (0.53%) in the western region. The patients were mainly distributed in people aged 45- and 55- years old, being overweight or obese, living in eastern urban area, having low education level, being married, having low annual household income and being occupational population. The results of multivariate logistic regression showed that compared with the western region, the prevalence rate of cancer was higher in the eastern region (n OR=1.05, 95%n CI: 1.04-1.06), while lower in the central region (n OR=0.94, 95%n CI: 0.93-0.95); the risk for cancer in people with family history of malignancy was higher than that in people without family history of malignancy (n OR=1.95, 95%n CI:1.94-1.96) the risk for cancer in people with an annual household income of less than 10 000 yuan or between 10 000 and 50 000 yuan was higher than that in people with an annual household income of more than 50 000 yuan (<10 000 yuan:n OR=1.59, 95%n CI: 1.58-1.60; between 10 000 and 50 000 yuan: n OR=1.27, 95%n CI: 1.26-1.28); and the risk for cancer in people living urban areas was lower than that in people living in rural areas (n OR=0.98, 95%n CI: 0.97-0.99). In terms of personal behavior and diet, the risk for cancer in smokers was 1.25 times higher than that in non-smokers (n OR=1.25, 95%n CI: 1.24-1.26), and the risk for cancer in alcoholics was 1.16 times higher than that in non-alcoholics (n OR=1.16, 95%n CI: 1.15-1.17), the risk for cancer in people with insufficient vegetable and fruit intakes was 1.29 times and 1.03 times higher than those in people with sufficient intakes of vegetables and fruits, respectively (n OR=1.29, 95%n CI: 1.28-1.30;n OR=1.03,95%n CI: 1.02-1.04). People with low frequency of high-intensity exercise had a higher risk for cancer compared with those with high frequency of high-intensity exercise (n OR=1.32, 95%n CI: 1.31-1.33), the risk for cancer was higher in people with low frequency of moderate exercise than in people with high frequency of moderate exercise (n OR=1.08, 95%n CI: 1.07-1.09). The risk for cancer in people with sedentary time less than 2 hours was higher than that in those with sedentary time more than 2 hours (n OR=1.69, 95%n CI: 1.68-1.70), and the risk for cancer in people who ate moderate amount of red meat was lower than that in people who ate excessive amount of red meat (n OR=0.86, 95%n CI: 0.85-0.87).n Conclusions:The number of female self-reported cancer was more than that in males, and the number of self-reported cancer in the eastern region was higher than that in the central and western regions. Living in eastern region, with family history of malignancy, having low annual household income, smoking, drinking, insufficient vegetable intake, insufficient fruit intake and low frequency of high-intensity exercise and low frequency of moderate intensity exercise were the main risk factors for cancer, while living in central region, living in urban area and low red meat intake were protective factors.
目的:结合logistic回归与n χn 2自动交互检测法(CHAID)决策树模型探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)宫内传播的影响因素及其相互关系。n 方法:选取2007-2013年在太原市第三人民医院产科分娩的689对HBsAg阳性母亲及其新生儿,通过问卷调查和病历查阅获得母亲及其新生儿的一般人口学特征、母亲孕周及分娩方式等基线资料,采用荧光定量PCR和电化学发光法分别检测母亲及其新生儿血清HBV DNA及HBV血清学标志物,通过构建CHAID决策树模型和非条件logistic回归
目的:了解江苏省心血管病(CVD)高危人群检出类型和聚集情况以及相关影响因素,为CVD防控提供参考依据。方法:对纳入筛查的120 211名对象,通过问卷调查、体格检查和生化检测收集相关资料信息。统计学分析采用n χn 2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。n 结果:研究对象CVD高危检出率为25.03%,其中高血压型、血脂异常型、CVD史型和WHO评估患病风险≥20%型检出率分别为19.01%、4.85%、3.18%和5.31%。男性、农村、年龄增长、文化程度低、家庭年收入
目的:探讨我国中老年人代谢综合征(MS)与日常生活活动能力(ADL)受损的关联,为提高人口健康预期寿命提供依据。方法:采用前瞻性队列研究设计,利用2011-2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,以2011年数据为基线,分别在2013、2015和2018年随访ADL结局,且以2013年和2015年新进入队列的人群作为基线。剔除三次基线人群中已发生ADL的中老年人。采用Cox比例风险回归模型分析MS组分异常及异常数目对中老年人群ADL受损的影响。结果:观察总人年数为59 795人年,发生ADL受损人数为1 0
空间流行病学利用地理信息系统和空间分析技术研究疾病的空间分布特点及发展变化规律、探索影响特定人群健康状况因素,近年来逐渐应用于艾滋病防控领域。本文对其应用于艾滋病时空分布模式分析、非监测点地区数据推算、流行影响因素探索、卫生资源分配利用等方面的研究进行综述,为未来空间流行病学在我国艾滋病防控中的应用提供参考。“,”Spatial epidemiology focuses on the use of geographic information systems and spatial analysis to
目的:分析我国学龄前儿童单纯性肥胖的影响因素及其交互作用。方法:采用整群随机抽样方法,于2016年6-11月调查北京、哈尔滨、西安、上海、南京、武汉、广州、福州、昆明9个城市3~7岁儿童63 292名。基于中国2~18岁儿童青少年超重和肥胖筛查BMI界值点筛检出肥胖儿童1 522名(男童1 006名、女童516名),采用病例对照研究方法,按“同性别、年龄相差≤6个月、身高相差≤5 cm”随机选择同一调查区域内体重正常儿童与肥胖儿童进行配对。影响因素及交互作用分析采用条件logistic回归模型。结果:①单
目的:分析凉山彝族自治州(凉山州)现存活艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病病例(HIV/AIDS)流动情况及相关因素。方法:根据我国艾滋病综合防治信息系统,纳入凉山州2020年有随访记录的28 772例HIV/AIDS作为研究对象,分析其流动情况,采用多因素logistic回归模型分析流动的相关因素,绘制HIV/AIDS流入地的疫情地图。结果:28 772例HIV/AIDS中,2020年发生流动的占20.89%(6 010/28 772)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,HIV/AIDS流动的促进因素包括1
目的:了解15~17岁校外青少年艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者的流行特征,为制定校外青少年艾滋病防控策略提供依据。方法:资料来源于我国艾滋病综合防治信息系统,筛选2011-2019年确诊时年龄为15~17岁校外青少年HIV感染者。描述社会人口学特征、感染途径和跨省流动等情况,采用n χn 2检验进行组间比较。运用Joinpoint 4.9.0 软件计算粗新发现率年度变化百分比(annual percent change,APC)并做Joinpoint回归模型的时间趋势检验。运用Excel
目的:估计不同危险因素控制场景下我国恶性肿瘤的死亡水平和过早死亡概率,以及实现过早死亡概率防控目标的情况。方法:基于国内外规划文件提出的恶性肿瘤相关危险因素控制目标,设定多种危险因素控制场景。利用2015年全球疾病负担研究中国的结果,计算危险因素的人群归因分值,根据比较风险评估理论将恶性肿瘤的死亡数分成可归因和不可归因两部分。采用比例变化模型估计出未来危险因素暴露和恶性肿瘤的不可归因死亡数,进而估计2030年恶性肿瘤的死亡水平和过早死亡概率。分析均通过R 3.6.1软件实现。结果:如果危险因素暴露水平按1
随着人们对复杂性疾病病因研究需求的日益提升,大型队列研究逐渐替代传统小样本队列研究,成为流行病学研究的热点。随访作为队列研究中的获取疾病发病、死亡以及迁移或失访资料的重要环节,其质量对队列研究的结论有着直接影响。因此,制定合理的随访监测方案成为大型队列研究成功的关键。本文主要针对目前国内外大型队列研究随访监测的内容和方法进行综述,旨在为新建队列研究的随访方案设计和现有队列随访方案改进提供建议和思路。“,”With the increasing demand to study the cause of co