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1996年12月9日,中共中央举行第二次法律知识讲座。江泽民、李鹏、乔石、李瑞环、朱钅容基、胡锦涛等党和国家领导人出席。我院国际法研究所卢松副教授作了关于国际法在国际关系中的作用的专题讲述。中共中央总书记、国家主席江泽民主持讲座并在讲座结束时发表了讲话。他说:“卢松同志从历史和现实的角度就国际法的基本知识作了讲解,我想大家听了都会感到有启发、有帮助的。”江泽民说,早在1978年,邓小平同志就提出,要大力加强对国际法的研究。近年来,中央多次强调,为了适应我们面临的形势和肩负的任务,做好各个方面的工作,各级领导干部要努力学习法律知识,这当然包括国际法知识在内。江泽民强调指出,我们的领导干部特别是高级干部都要注意学习国际法知识,努力提高运用国际法的能力。在处理国家关系和国际事务中,在开展政治、经济、科技、文化领域的交流与合作中,在反对霸权主义和强权政治的斗争中,都要善于运用国际法这个武器,来维护我们的国家利益和民族尊严,伸张国际正义,牢牢掌握国际合作与斗争的主动权。江泽民说,目前的国际法体系是有利于维护世界和平,促进经济发展的。但是也应看到,由于受形成条件和国际社会某些政治因素的制约,国际法体系也包含一些不合理的? On December 9, 1996, the CPC Central Committee held the second lecture on legal knowledge. Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Qiao Shi, Li Ruihuan, Zhu Rongrong, Hu Jintao and other leaders of the party and state attended. Associate Professor Lu Song of the Institute of International Law in our hospital made a special presentation on the role of international law in international relations. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and State President Jiang Zemin presided over the talks and made a speech at the end of the lecture. He said: “Comrade Lusong explained the basic knowledge of international law from both a historical and a realistic point of view. I think everyone will feel inspired and helpful.” Jiang Zemin said: As early as 1978, Comrade Deng Xiaoping proposed that " We should vigorously step up research on international law. In recent years, the Central Government has repeatedly emphasized on many occasions that in order to meet the tasks we are confronted with and the tasks we shoulder, we must do a good job in all aspects and leading cadres at all levels should make efforts to study legal knowledge, which of course includes the knowledge of international law. Jiang Zemin emphasized that our leading cadres, especially senior cadres, should pay attention to learning the knowledge of international law and strive to improve their ability to use international law. In the handling of state and international affairs, we must be good at using the weapon of international law in safeguarding our national interests in carrying out exchanges and cooperation in political, economic, technological, cultural fields and in the struggle against hegemonism and power politics And national dignity, to extend international justice and firmly grasp the initiative of international cooperation and struggle. Jiang Zemin said: The current system of international law is conducive to safeguarding world peace and promoting economic development. However, it should also be noted that due to the conditions of formation and the constraints of certain political factors in the international community, the system of international law also contains some unreasonable ones.
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