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采购,是企业生产中的重要环节,质量,是采购的关键因素。对于一个企业来说,系统化的采购管理,是其生存发展的必要前提。采购质量的好坏还决定了企业成本的高低。也是企业经济效益得以最大限度提高的重要保障。因此,采购质量的检验过程尤为重要。采购质量检验工作是一个繁琐的过程,这其中包括了对材料的观察、检测、对比、验证等多个环节。而且每一个环节需要工作人员在非常专心的工作状态下,才能进行。企业在采购质量方面的控制,要从采购的源头开始,从材料的采集、收发、存储以及使用等等都必须要建立起一个相对完整的检验体系。这样才能使质检工作从根本上得到保障。使得质检人员的行为有所约束。从而达到提高采购质量的目的。 Purchasing is an important link in the production of an enterprise. Quality is the key factor in purchasing. For a business, the systematic procurement management is a necessary prerequisite for its survival and development. The quality of the purchase also determines the level of business costs. It is also an important guarantee for enterprises to maximize their economic benefits. Therefore, the quality of the procurement process is particularly important. Procurement quality inspection work is a tedious process, which includes the material observation, testing, comparison, verification and other links. And every aspect of the staff need to work very carefully in the state. Enterprises in the purchase of quality control, from the procurement of the source, from the collection of materials, send and receive, storage and use must have to establish a relatively complete inspection system. In order to make the quality inspection work is fundamentally guaranteed. Making the quality of personnel behavior constraints. So as to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of procurement.
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