Breeding of New Processing Apricot Cultivar ‘Jinxiu'

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‘Jinxiu’ is a processing apricot(Armeniaca vulgaris L.) cultivar derived from the cross of ‘Chuanzhihong’בJintaiyang’.The fruit is oval-shaped with the ground color of orange and 1/4-1/2 sheet red in the surface. The average fruit weight is65.5 g, and the maximum value is 106 g. The flesh is orange, fine with very less fiber, toughness, less juice and freestone, and tastes sour and sweet. The soluble solid content is 12.5%. The edible rate is 95.8%. The fruit skin hardness is 12.9 kg/cm2 and storable. The preserved apricots have orange color and are tasty. The preserved yield is 40%. The fruit development period is 72 d. The fruit has high yield, and the fruit yield in full fruit period can reach 37 000 kg/hm2. ‘Jinxiu’ was examined and approved by Hebei Examination and Approval Committee of Forest Tree Variety in 2013. ’Jinxiu’ is a processing apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris L.) cultivar derived from the cross of ’Chuanzhihong’ × ’Jintaiyang’.The fruit is oval-shaped with the ground color of orange and 1 / 4-1 / 2 sheet red in the surface. The average fruit weight is 65.5 g, and the maximum value is 106 g. The flesh is orange, fine with very less fiber, toughness, less juice and freestone, and tastes sour and sweet. The soluble solid content is 12.5 The edible rate is 95.8%. The fruit skin hardness is 12.9 kg / cm2 and storable. The preserved apricots have orange color and are tasty. yield, and the fruit yield in full fruit period can reach 37 000 kg / hm2. ’Jinxiu’ was examined and approved by Hebei Examination and Approval Committee of Forest Tree Variety in 2013.
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