
来源 :病毒学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haidi99
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By the method of PCR product sequencing and cloning sequencing,we sequenced the B and C domains of HBV polymerase gene of the serum samples from 27 hepatitis B surface antigen positive patients and 7 hepatitis B surface antigen negative patients. At the same time, we compared the B and C domains of polymerase gene with that of 8 reported HBV complete sequences. We found that some amino acids are highly conserved. However, there are naturally mutated substitutions in other amino acids. The results showed that the polymerase gene are heterogeneous. It can act as a reference for the research of nucleotide related mutations of polymerase gene. By the method of PCR product sequencing and cloning sequencing, we sequenced the B and C domains of HBV polymerase gene of the serum samples from 27 hepatitis B surface antigen positive patients and 7 hepatitis B surface antigen negative patients. At the same time, we compared the B and C domains of polymerase gene with that of 8 reported HBV complete sequences. We found that some amino acids are highly conserved. However, there are naturally mutated substitutions in other amino acids. The results showed that the polymerase gene are heterogeneous. It can act as a reference for the research of nucleotide related mutations of polymerase gene.
为确定乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) D基因型在我国的存在 ,建立我国 HBV D基因型的参照序列 ,作者用聚合酶链式反应 (PCR)结合限制性片段长度多态性分析 (RFL P)技术 ,调查了可能存在
目的研究消化管上皮发生的影响因素. 方法用体视学法观测了11~17d ICR胎鼠连续切片中食管、十二指肠和结肠的管腔与上皮.部分切片用TUNEL法标记细胞凋亡作对照. 结果 (1)3段消
目的:利用5 L反应器培养CHO工程细胞生产重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, rt-PA).方法:在5 L搅拌式生物反应器中采用Cytopore1多孔微载
为阐明急性压力超负荷后心肌细胞内cAMP浓度升高和心肌肾素血管紧张素系统活化之间是否存在内在因果联系 ,用腹主动脉缩窄的方法建立急性压力超负荷大鼠模型。发现在术后 1h
本文对47例散发性食管癌中P16基因的第二外显子 ,先用外侧引物扩增进行缺失筛查 ,再用三对内侧引物扩增经首次外侧引物扩增所得的PCR的产物 ,进行套式PCR结合SSCP及PCR直接银
自酸泡菜中分离并鉴定了一株产生乳链菌肽的菌株-乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis) SM526. 研究了不同种类与浓度的碳源、氮源和磷源对该菌产生乳链菌肽的影响,