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随着医院改革的深入发展,各类统计信息已成为强化医院管理,促进医院自身发展的重要手段,对于监测医院是否在良性轨道上惯性运行,定量参考指标辅助医院领导决策具有重要意义。在实际工作中,要改变传统的单纯性医疗业务统计,拓展统计范围,深化统计内涵,提供综合性、全方位的统计信息,使领导心中有数,决策有据;要注意各项统计指标的关联作用,正确判断医院的运行状态,迅速作出分析,供医院领导决策之用,变终末管理为环节管理;要正确运用国家指标,客观科学评价,作为提高医院诊断质量的依据;还要充分发挥统计信息的整体功能,提高统计信息在各方面的利用率。通过我们统计人员的努力,使统计工作成为医院管理的参谋部,为医院的医疗、教学、科研搭建一个科学的信息平台,更好地为医院管理服务。 With the in-depth development of hospital reform, all kinds of statistical information have become an important means to strengthen hospital management and promote the development of the hospital itself. To monitor whether the hospital is operating on a healthy track, it is of great significance to use quantitative reference indicators to assist hospital leaders in decision-making. In the actual work, we must change the traditional simple medical business statistics, expand the scope of statistics, deepen the statistical content, provide comprehensive, all-round statistical information, so that the leadership is well-informed and the decision-making has evidence; pay attention to the correlation of various statistical indicators The role of the hospital to determine the correct state of operation, rapid analysis for the leadership of the hospital for decision-making, end-to-end management for the link management; to correctly use the national indicators, objective scientific evaluation, as the basis for improving the quality of hospital diagnosis; also give full play to The overall function of statistical information improves the utilization of statistical information in all aspects. Through the efforts of our statisticians, the statistics work has become the staff of the hospital management department, and a scientific information platform has been set up for the hospital’s medical, teaching, and scientific research to better serve the hospital management.
目的评价iDose4迭代重建技术 (AIR) 与传统滤波反投影 (FBP) 重建在常规剂量和低剂量胸部CT平扫中应用的图像质量差别。方法对120名健康体检者按扫描顺序依次分为常规剂量组 (100 m As) 、低剂量50 m As组和低剂量25 m As组,分别采用100、50、25 m As进行全肺屏气CT扫描,100 m As采用FBP重建作为常规对照组,低剂量扫描组分别采用FBP及iDose
本文介绍用衡量法校准大容量玻璃量器(容量大于分析天平最大称量范围)的方法,本法较传统之比较法更准确、简便实用。 This article describes the method of calibrating la
为比较种鹅在不同养殖模式下的繁殖性能差异,将2 700只"江南白鹅"父母代种鹅随机分为3组,分别采用旱养、小水池、大水面三种饲养模式,记录种鹅产蛋量和种蛋受精率等。结果显